What Is The Fixed Star Denebola?
What Is The Fixed Star Denebola?
Denebola Is Located 21°58’ Virgo:
Denebola is a Fixed Star located in the Lion’s tail of the Leo Constellation. If this star is tied to you in your chart in a positive way, it gives you the ability to make fast decisions based upon your intuition.
People have a sense of confidence in you when dealing with others which can impact their lives. They are always concerned with the outcome of how they impact other’s lives in a positive way. People will come to them for advice that is good for that person. The person is of a Saturn nature but at times comes across with a generous side of Venus. Good fortune is ahead for them in life as long as the motives are pure.
If the Fixed Star Denebola is tied in your chart in a negative way, there is a tendency to act too quickly in making decisions that have not been thought thru to the end consequences of this decision. They should count to ten before saying things rashly. As a result of being quick witted, there is a tendency to say the wrong thing when they meant to say something else. They should mind their own business when it comes to other people. The consequences are they will become know as a “Busybody” who can’t stop offering advice to friends, whether they want it or not. They are of the nature of Saturn and Mercury in a negative way at times. Negative things happen to them because they cannot mind their own business and their motives are selfish.
Transits to this Fixed Star can have good or bad results depending upon the motive of the individual. Unselfish motives work wonders in ones life and helps to move mountains. Selfish motives cause all kinds or problems because people see thru their selfishness. The Sun makes a conjunction with this Fixed Star in September from the 13th thru the 15th every year. The Inner Planets such as the Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury will make contacts too. See what happens when your personal Planets hit this point during the year. Watch the Moon, it will be very revealing about your emotional nature at that time of the month. The key to these contacts are “What is Your Motive?”