Warning Rated XXX: Kamala Harris: She Made The Best Decision of Her Life
Warning Rated XXX: Kamala Harris: She Made The Best Decision of Her Life
Kamala Harris: Should I Sign My Life Away To Them or Should I Go My Own Way
Everyone is upset that Kamala Harris lost the election, the truth being, she did not want to be the President of the United States. She liked being the Vice President. Everyone one else wanted her to be President. (South Node in 7th House) On a personal level, ever since the Tertiary Moon crossed her Ascendant on 5/27/24, she has been on a emotional roller coaster because what people wanted and what she wanted. She wanted to be free of all those people that were forcing the responsibility of a lifetime on her that she did not want. (North Node in 1st House) She wanted to be Free!
Look at the chart of 3/27/24 when it all began with the conjunction of the North Node in the First House. (Above) The Tertiary Moon is square the midpoint of the North/South Nodes. Decision time is here, you must make the best decision for you or suffer the consequences of the South Node still controlling your life. Yes, the South Node is all about control from your past life. There is nothing Spiritual about the South Node, it is all about Karmic connections coming back to haunt you again. They follow you your whole life, only you can make that choice at that junction in the road of which way to go. Some of us make the right choice, others fail again.
She would have had to sign her life over to the Devil if she agreed. She did not, so she lost. The Devil is the Tertiary Moon conjunct the Pluto/Uranus in the Tertiary Chart on Election Day 11/5/24. They could have made it happen to the election outcome but she refused to be part of it.
If you look at my post on regarding her dilemma: https://lunar-returns.com/what-will-harris-do-regarding-her-dilemma-with-denebola/ you will she that the Fixed Stars were making a major move in this Election. For all you “Rock People”, this was a Major Shift in Conscious brought on by the Fixed Star Denebola. Like it or not the “Universe Was Running The Show” with Fixed Stars sending their rays down to Kamala Harris who responded in a positive way. History will record the truth someday, but not now. When she writes her memoirs, she will tell all.
If you look at the speech of her conceding to Donald Trump, she is very happy. I know this is controversial but it is true. You can see it in her eyes, her soul was free and happy again.
Anyone ever caught in the Dilemma of the North/South Node will understand what I am saying. Remember that in the end: “Saturn Always Wins”, this is for the Rock People.