Valentine’s Day Guide to Fair Trade & Organic Chocolate

Valentine’s Day Guide to Fair Trade & Organic Chocolate

Discover the best brands of fair trade & organic chocolate for Valentine’s Day so your gifts are both sweet and sustainable!

Fair trade and organic chocolate for Valentines day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner but before you pick up that heart-shaped box of chocolates from the drug store, consider this:

Those chocolates most likely contain a bunch of crappy ingredients and were probably produced without care to environmental and social conditions whatsoever.

Is that the kind of love you want to show your sweetie?

This year, I’m putting my money where my mouth is by buying chocolate with better ingredients and produced following organic, non-GMO and fair trade standards.

In case you’re looking to do the same, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite Fair Trade and organic chocolate brands for Valentine’s Day.

At Mindful Momma we only endorse products we’ve personally researched, tested, and honestly love. We may receive commissions from affiliate links in this article including Amazon Affiliates. Full Disclosure

Fair Trade & Organic Valentines Chocolates

Here are some of my favorite brands of chocolate made with fair trade and organic ingredients:

alter eco chocolate truffles

Alter Eco

Alter Eco has to-die-for truffles in flavors like Salted Caramel and Sea Salt (packaged in compostable wrappers), as well as organic chocolate bars in many different flavors.

  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Favorite flavor: Sea Salt Truffles
Hu Spring 20230225 0023Hu Spring 20230225 0023

Hu Chocolate

If I had to pick just one chocolate to eat for the rest of my life it would be this one. It’s super smooth and has just the right balance of flavors.


Green & Black’s

A British chocolate company committed to Fair Trade business practices. True chocolate connoisseurs will love the 85% dark chocolate bar. Certified USDA Organic and Fair Trade.

  • Certifications: Certified Soil Association Organic, Fair Trade Certified
  • Favorite flavor: 85% Cocoa

Equal Exchange

This worker-owned coop not only makes darn good chocolate, they make it possible for small scale farmers to make a living.

theo chocolate barstheo chocolate bars


Seattle based company that uses fair trade and organic cocoa beans and has lots of unique flavors.

  • Certifications: Certified USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified
  • Favorite flavor: Coffee Toffee
endangered species chocolate barendangered species chocolate bar

Endangered Species Chocolate

Ethically produced chocolate supporting endangered animals in lots of yummy flavors. This brand is widely available in many natural food co-ops and grocery stores.

  • Certifications: Non-GMO Project Verified, uses only FairTrade certified cocoa beans
  • Favorite flavor: Caramel & Sea Salt

What’s your favorite fair trade & organic chocolate brand?

green & healthy wishes Micaela signaturegreen & healthy wishes Micaela signature

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