Uranus – blowing up the past – Astroinform with Marjorie Orr

Uranus – blowing up the past – Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 2025


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Uranus – blowing up the past - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 8
Uranus – blowing up the past - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 9
Uranus – blowing up the past - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 10
Uranus – blowing up the past - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 11
Uranus – blowing up the past - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 12

Uranus, trailblazer and light-bearer for a darkened world, a progressive agent for change. OR a defiant and lawless disruptor so intent on upending the status quo that anarchy and chaos result since the Uranus energy is not well designed to lay the foundations for the new era. Good at wrecking what has outlived its usefulness, not so great at rebuilding.

Puzzling over the phenomenon of Trump, it strikes me we have been so invested in seeing him as The Capitalist Clown that his Uranus conjunct North Node and his Sun in his 10th has been overlooked.

All chart signs, houses and aspects have a spectrum of meaning from negative to positive and none stand alone from the rest of the chart.  But it is illuminating to consider others who have Uranus in their 10th house of career.

On the political side there are startling examples from revolutionary socialist Karl Marx to Mao Tse Tung, China’s revolutionary leader who wreaked destruction on the old culture, Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro and Palestinian Yasser Arafat.

On the US side the less than salubrious examples of J. Edgar Hoover and Joseph McCarthy pop up – neither were enlightened but both were intent on doing damage.

Criminals also feature amongst the less desirable Uranus in the 10th examples – Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Carlos the Jackal as well as Martin Bormann and Heinrich Himmler. Lawless and defiant.

There are obviously reams of other positive examples of Uranus in the 10th from creative types, original thinkers, explorers to inventors and those who influenced society for the better.

But when Uranus gets stuck in its law-unto-itself mode and hell-bent-on-destroying-the-old without thought for tomorrow it ends up in disorder and confusion. The new becomes a chaotic vacuum which is worse than the old for all its flaws.

What strikes me about Trump is that his targets for change are understood by a good many people which is why he gets support. 1. Government waste (in which the US is not alone. Over the past five years, one UK government department mistakenly paid more than £500m in state pensions and credits to people who had died – never mind all the other egregious examples of UK state failures in recent times.) 2. Europe not pulling their weight on the defence front. 3. Gaza and Ukraine both seemingly unending conflicts (and both costing the US money). 4. Undue emphasis on ‘woke’ topics which do not align with ordinary people’s lives.

And OK his remedies are worse than the disease and his motives are suspect – imperial and money-grubbing which is why his poll ratings of approval are not great. But he has homed in on situations which were crying out for an almighty wake-up call.

Change or transformation is never a simple linear process. The old has to be destroyed which only comes through turmoil as old stabilities and securities are upended and it feels like a step backwards (and is). What is crucial in the process is allowing Saturn to take over to provide a new structure. Too much Saturnine energy before the change leads to stagnation but not enough after the initial destruction means the new era will not be built on solid foundations.

I am not a great believer in assuming everything happens for a reason but seeing Trump as an agent, albeit clumsy and self-seeking, for changes that needed to be dragged into centre foreground may put him into a broader context. His Uranus is after all conjunct both his North Node and his Sun tying him firmly into the zeitgeist (spirit of the age).  He stands on the threshold of a new era and while he may not provide healthy answers for what lies ahead, he may be cutting a few ties with the past that needed to go or at least forced a radical rethink.

Mind you that may be overly cheerful since I cannot think of anything positive that McCarthy did or Edgar Hoover or the criminal bunch.

Musk is also Uranian with a Sun square Uranus – inventive, an innovator and a saboteur.

Thoughts to ponder.

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Uranus – blowing up the past - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr
Uranus – blowing up the past – Astroinform with Marjorie Orr