Trump – a wrecking ball in the global order – Astroinform with Marjorie Orr
Trump – a wrecking ball in the global order – Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 2025

As the Trump Administration sets about upsetting the global world order and undercutting internal securities, several thoughts to ponder.
Common sense from William Hague: “If wars are settled in ways that reward lawless attacks, displace populations and leave a burning grievance for the future, then the result is usually more war.” “ A settlement with Russia that humiliates Ukraine will leave both sides incentivised to resume the war in the future — one to finish the invasion they got away with and the other to reverse it.”
“A solution to Gaza that removes the Palestinians will only enlarge the problem, destabilising Arab states and letting Israelis think they could do the same on the West Bank. In both cases, years of conflict would be turned into decades of struggle.”
A further minor though important point from James Marriott: “After more than two centuries of what seemed like progress, Texas is gripped by its worst measles outbreak this century — the state contains some of the least vaccinated areas of America.”
On the 2025 Inauguration chart, the start of Trump Term 11, April 25 to May 2 this year look mired in confusion and explosive with two different sets of influences running. The first is tr Saturn conjunct the Neptune which could be a minor blip of uncertainty except that the Inauguration chart has the Uranus/Pluto and Sun/Uranus midpoints exactly conjunct the Neptune catching the same tr Saturn conjunction. That adds up to stubbornness, hatred, under great pressure, separation through force majeure as well as blocked action, unexpected events involving water or flying. [These influences repeat late September to mid-October 2025 and second half of January 2026.]
At exactly the same time from April 27th to May 13 tr Uranus will be exactly conjunct Algol and setting off a firestorm on various charts including the term chart – as tr Uranus is conjunct the Mars/Neptune midpoint and the Mars/North Node midpoint – sudden disadvantages, illness, accident and forced or violent separation of a partnership.
Sometimes these influences pass by in a flurry of minor chaos and irritation but are not calamitous. However that 26 degree Tr Uranus shows up on various Trump and Netanyahu’s personal charts given their Mars at 26 Leo. And also on Trump’s relationship chart with Saudi’s Mohammed bin Salman which would point to a Middle Eastern red alert. Trump’s relationship chart with Putin (assuming VP’s 1952 birth data) will be rattled exactly at that point as well and immediately after throughout the rest of May repeating again January to mid March 2026.
A high-risk, extremely agitated phase.
Trump’s relationship chart with the USA is also panicked during those April 27th to May 13th days; with a drop in mutual confidence as tr Neptune moves into Aries in April, which may be a financial reality hitting home, which will worsen from July 2025 into and throughout 2026.
On the USA chart itself, the Solar Arc Saturn square SA Sun are crashing and banging their way in hard aspect to the USA Mars square Neptune this year, in 2026 and 2027 so the turbulence is unlikely to settle anytime soon. Trump’s Gemini Sun North Node opposition Sagittarius Moon sits on top of that USA Mars square Neptune/SA Sun square SA Saturn – and they will all catch the tr Saturn hard aspects through this March for some discouraging moments.
On the USA chart as well tr Neptune after mid 2025 joined by tr Saturn in Aries in 2026 will be square the USA financial Venus, Jupiter and eventually Cancer Sun – so the USA will be facing disappointment, lack of confidence and less economic progress for some years to come.
All countries go through phases of internal crisis from which they eventually recover but rarely do their spasms extend out quite so far as this one. Trump is managing simultaneously to withdraw from previous global responsibilities summarily and at the same time to throw his weight around like a preening dictator, just because he can.