The Side Effects of Revolution Pet Treatment

The Side Effects of Revolution Pet Treatment 2025


Only those who truly care about their families health, search for posts and articles like this one, which highlight the symptoms and potential side effects of different pet treatments. Which is why I know that you are a kind and compassionate person, who only wants the best for every member of your family.

And knowing that makes me proud to blog about the side effects of Revolution for cats and dogs, because I know that you will use it to compare against other pet parasiticide products, so that you make sure you get your pet’s the highest quality of pest deterrent available.
Now, to start us out, I’ve always felt it’s best to get the worst out of the way first. So let’s discuss the worst potential side effects of Revolution Pet Treatment (as well as most other treatments available today).

If you notice your dog or cat showing signs of any of these symptoms, call your vet right away:

Muscle Weakness/In-Coordination – In 1% of clinical trials, some pets experienced extreme muscle weakness which lead to difficulty standing or walking. This can happen if your pet gets too large of a dose, or if they have a natural undiagnosed allergy to anything in the treatment. If this happens, your pet will need to see a vet right away. Because of this risk, it is always best to try any new pet treatments in the morning, so that if any adverse reactions appear, you will have plenty of time to get your pet into a vet within the same day.

Rapid Breathing/Panting – Because Revolution enters the blood stream, it can sometimes have a negative effect on your pets heart. In a small minority of pets, this can cause hypertension, which can lead to stroke or heart attach. If you notice these your pet is panting excessively or breathing very rapidly, take them into the near vet as soon as possible.

Muscle Tremors – If you notice that your pet is shaking uncontrollably or experiencing heavy muscle tremors, call your vet and schedule an appointment for as soon as possible.

Skin Burning – Out of 1743 animals tested, less than 2% had an adverse reaction that caused their skin to burn after application of any chemical pet treatments. If you notice that your pets skin appears is covered in a rash, peeling or your pet seems to be in great discomfort around the application site, you will want to take them into a vet right away.

Most of these reactions rarely occur in 5 out of 100 animals, meaning that it is not likely that your pet will have a serious reaction. Though being armed with this knowledge, helps you care for them if they do happen to be a part of the 5%.

And now that we’ve gotten through the tougher parts of this discussion, let’s cover the more common side effects and some ways that you can help your pet cope with them, while the treatment relieves them of pests.

Temporary Hair Loss – More often then not, this happens with animals who already have sensitive skin, and with most of those cases, the sensitive pet is even more in need of pest treatment than pets who are not so sensitive. Though because the pet has sensitive skin, they will sometimes lose some of the fur around the site where you put the treatment. So long as they do not appear to have been burned, they should regrow the hair within a week or two at most.

Digestive Upset – Diarrhea, vomiting and stomach upset are the most common digestive side effects. They can cause your dog or cat to not want to eat or play for a little while until their body has processed the parasiticide. You can help them through these side effects by making sure they drink plenty of fresh distilled water, which will help keep them hydrated and help them process the treatments more easily.

Hyperactivity – When Revolution enters your pets bloodstream through their skin, it can sometimes cause them to have an elevated heart beat, as their body deals with the treatments reactions. This will make them anxious, as they will not be sure about what is happening to them, and that is usually what causes the hyper activity. You can help keep them calm by giving them their treatment in a dark and quiet room, and then staying with them for at least 30-45 minutes after the treatment.

Drowsiness – On the other side of the coin, some dogs and cats have seen the alter-reaction to hyperactivity, which is Drowsiness or Lethargy. As their body gives into the process of the pest treatments, they might need to sleep while the battle between bugs and love, wages on. If your animal finds themselves with this reaction, the best thing you can do is to help them get comfortable, and then check on them from time to time, to make sure they are still able to get up, walk around a bit and drink some water.

Drooling – It is recommended that every pet who gets a dose of Revolution, gets it right between their shoulder blades, to prevent them from ingesting the medication. That being said, we all know that our pets have a way of reaching the spot, no matter how crafty you try to be, and that means that there is still a chance that they might ingest the treatment.

When this happens, it most often causes excessive drooling as their body works to get the taste and the chemicals out of their mouth. You can help your pet through this by offering them plenty of fresh water to drink.

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In most cases, the worst you’re going to see is a displeased cat or anxious dog, whom are not very happy to have been treated, but who will be very happy in an hour or so, as they are finally flea and parasite free again.

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The Side Effects of Revolution Pet Treatment
The Side Effects of Revolution Pet Treatment