Super Modern Dog Kennels

Super Modern Dog Kennels 2025


We wrote previously about the latest furniture for your moggy on the market – but there are great new and super chic hidey-holes for Fido out there too. Check out these innovative and chic kennels to find your pooch some great new digs!

Cubix Dog Mansion


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The Cubix Dog Mansion brings a touch of luxury to the modern dog kennel. It pays tribute to Bauhaus design and is made from premium wood and materials.

It may be fancy, but it is also tough, and can handle weather of all kinds to keep your dog cozy – and d

on’t worry, its glass windows are designed so they won’t shatter. The roof features unique draining systems and it also includes movable lids so your pup’s mansion can easily be kept pristine. 

Fuora DogHouse


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DogHouse by Italian company Fuora is a wooden dog house intended to be fashionable and high-performance. It is constructed from multi-layered birch wood treated with a thermoplastic overlay to keep it resistant to all manner of weather conditions.


The DogHouse comes as a flat pack you put together at home. Construction doesn’t require tools or glue – simply slot the six pieces together and voila! A super cool kennel is born. It is simple to disassemble and reassemble too, making it a great idea for people who like to travel with their pets. 

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Scottie’s Fine Art Caves 

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Your dog, no matter how fluffy, is descended from the big bad wolf – and every wolf needs a den! Canine Fine Art Caves put the family pet in touch with its wild side with faux-stone hideouts made of unique, reinforced paper mache dubbed ‘TerrierRock’.


The walls are composed of four layers which insulates your dog and dampens sound. Salvaged driftwood from Vancouver island is then incorporated to give each one-of-a-kind design a truly rugged look.


Every cave’s construction is watched over by the company’s president and founder, terrier Scottie, and stamped with his ‘pawprint’ of approval upon completion. 


They also make caves for your little ‘mountain lion’ too! 

Niche Kakon Kennel


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This mod kennel turns a planter into a canine cubby. The planter is designed to house all sorts of greenery, from succulents to flowers, and its chiselled looks easily blend into modern décor.

A neat drawer in the back pulls out so it can be easily cleaned and it comes with a custom-fitted cushion for your dog to curl up on. 

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Super Modern Dog Kennels
Super Modern Dog Kennels