Size Does Matter in the Universe of Fixed Stars and You
Size Does Matter in the Universe of Fixed Stars and You
Fixed Stars and The Universe
Fixed Stars: Looking at the Night Sky, you see the Constellations with the Fixed Star figures embedded in them. This was the beginning of Astrology and should be the beginning of every astrologer’s knowledge of the Fixed Stars. As an Astrologer, without this knowledge of the Constellations and Star Figures in them that were created and carried down thru Astrological History for the last 5000 years, your understanding of the Universe is limited to a few specks in the sky. To be a good Astrologer, you must have an understanding of the Constellations and Star Figures. Those who ignore its 5000 year old delineation practice are basically narrow minded and do harm to their clients using such objects as Asteroids. Asteroids have no gravity or magnetic field so they are just rocks from a dead Planet that was destroyed by the Universe. Any bad reader can justify anything using their rocks to tell their clients BS. Yes, size does matter in the Universe.
People have looked at the sky for thousands of years and often dreamed about visiting one of the stars in the heavens. A lot of us have wonder just how big they really were. We really appreciate the information for all our stargazers who have ever wondered what it really was like on one of the stars. It is interesting that people will blindly accept information just because they say it is true with very little or no research.
If we compare one of the Asteroids such as Ceres or Chiron to Antares. The asteroid in comparison would be smaller than a pin head on a needle. If you have any comments about this, feel free to contact us. Like I told one Astrologer: “I do not care what you think about me” I have a Mission and it will be completed with or without your help”. Fixed Stars will become part of everyone’s Astrology practice in the future. Saturn in Pisces says go back to basics. We will post your comment about these Fixed Stars plus the Hate Mail from all the Non-Believers. By the way, I really appreciate all the loving and caring comments I have received about the Fixed Stars and Asteroids from Real Astrologers. My mentor was Diana Rosenberg, who was one of the greatest researchers of the Fixed Stars in modern history since the Assyrians, Babylonians and the Mesopotamia’s.
“So you see, size does matter in Astrology”
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