Sister Wives: Kody’s Odd Bedroom Habits Make News

Sister Wives: Kody’s Odd Bedroom Habits Make News

Sister Wives star Kody Brown lost three wives to divorce, but they still spend ample time talking about him on and off the TLC series. The famous bedroom schedule became a topic in the latest episode.

The five spouses alluded to this schedule throughout their years on the screen. But this latest news about the same schedule sounds like the opposite of the original thoughts they shared years ago.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown’s Schedule Years Ago

When Kody Brown and the Sister Wives family first surfaced on their TLC series, they did the talk show circuit. They were asked what question the fans asked the most. That answer became clear as the four wives pipped up with the same reply… the schedule.

But what the wives and Kody say today is much different from when the Sister Wives first surfaced.

Sister Wives: Kody BrownSister Wives: Kody Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

Kody’s schedule kept track of whose bedroom he slept in every night of the week. Whether it was written on a calendar or kept in Kody Brown’s head, it gathered a lot of attention from fans.

When the Sister Wives first graced the screen, many viewers wondered how the bedroom activities worked. Fans learned that Kody Brown went from one wife’s home to the next, rotating daily.

Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, and Robyn Brown all agreed, their shared husband was very fair. For special events, like a wife’s birthday, Kody would switch nights.

So, this kind caring husband, which is how all the wives described Kody back then, would have that particular wife with him on her special day.

Kody’s Traveling Bedroom Schedule

Years back on Sister Wives, the show filmed Kody and his four wives while traveling. They were appearing on talk shows and while in one city or another, they stayed in a hotel.

Each wife had a room to themselves. All, except for the wife who showed up on the schedule for that night. Or at least that is the way they described it back then.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown - Janelle Brown - Christine Brown - Robyn Brown - Brown ClothesSister Wives: Kody Brown - Janelle Brown - Christine Brown - Robyn Brown - Brown Clothes
Sister Wives | TLC

The wives gushed over Kody not missing a beat. Whatever wife landed on the schedule for the night, they got him despite being far from home. The Sister Wives scene from this early episode showed Kody, with his bag in hand as he walked down a hotel hallway. He moved from one wife’s room to the next.

Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn gushed over his fairness regarding the time he spent with each of them. Now jump ahead to 2025 and it was like that never happened.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown and Christine Brown Tell Different Story

In the latest Sister Wives episode, Christine Brown Woolley and David Woolley drove together for Janelle Brown’s big move to North Carolina. The two took the opportunity of a long road trip to reminisce about their days with Kody Brown.

Then, the bedroom schedule came up, and their thoughts today seemed very different. How they presented it years ago on Sister Wives seems far from what they said in the latest episode.

Years ago they described Kody Brown working the schedule with precision. But now it sounds discombobulated from the beginning. They talked about never knowing whose room Kody would slither into when away in a hotel for one of their trips.

Janelle said she used to hope it wasn’t her, all she wanted was quiet time after a long day. Christine, who admits to needing more of Kody’s time than he was willing to give, was the opposite. She wanted him to pick her.

Kody Tells a Different Story From Yesteryear Too…

So, a different story emerges about that schedule that kept track of Kody Brown’s rotating bedroom habits. The Sister Wives patriarch talked about how some polygamous husbands were rigid when it came to spending time with their wives.

Kody said these strict-ruled men with multiple wives would not switch time slots from the scheduled wife for any reason. Not even for a birthday or anniversary. Kody Brown saw himself as a polygamous husband who didn’t have too much organization in that department.

This was surprising to hear, as the ladies he once married praised Kody Brown for spending equal bedroom time with each wife. But then, Robyn eventually became the wife who got all his time and attention. Then this led to the demise of the Sister Wives marriage.

Sister Wives: Painting the Picture…

The new info that recently surfaced about the schedule, would have gone against the Sister Wives’ mission years ago. Kody and his wives set out to show how well things worked in a marriage with four wives.

So, they couldn’t have the ladies bickering over feeling shorted over bedroom nights. That would go against his mission. But as time went on, more things from the negative side of plural marriage graced the screen.

Many Sister Wives viewers suggested the show was scripted back then. Now, viewers think they may have been right. Or at the very least, some things were sugar-coated to stay with the mission that Kody Brown set for the popular TLC series.

Head back to Soap Dirt for the latest scoop on Sister Wives.

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