REAL POWER (FACE) OF PLANETS – Gokulam Astrology

REAL POWER (FACE) OF PLANETS – Gokulam Astrology

AD 4nXdNhvPH Hhy0Qal2PS6dHcpMKm7m9TjnQl0GfIrTGHM4nTyRShe zzMDIA6MLUv37i8GHjD4hWlQrnPif9 Z WJ 9Lywe0926kzly9jg pacUqyP8WcheMcyMs6M57w6JliVClK A?key=upggrPLHKjYsX3e KDfEVT40


How to find yogas in one’s birth chart?

Everyone analyzes the birth chart and finds out the predictions based on birth Ascendant.

But remember one thing, the yogas’ real face should be found in Rahu Ascendant.

Recently, Maharashtra former CM Eknath Shinde lost his powerful post.

In this post, we can analyze the ups and downs of his career.

How did he get the CM post?

What are the Planets that are helping him to get the powerful post?

Is it true? Why are the Planet not helping him to retain the CM post?

Let us see his birth chart Shinde.

AD 4nXcGJmLzsHucl Ay4nJbhKx5rzgWweRxLMNx tXINa6qG6gHiih1w0IGsdEWbLOdB3fDX1tYmYn6cfKjwQ Iy0bCRS5 gN9TsWxCnslkx98TbfrkZ4klL G HH0hOMQGW87iQHF?key=upggrPLHKjYsX3e KDfEVT40

There are advanced formulas to find out the planet’s original strength.


Go through the Basic birth chart

The second Micro birth chart

Third Macro birth chart

If any planets became powerful in all three birth charts, the person would be a super person.

First, we analyze the basic birth chart.

AD 4nXckSAvCeHwQrV4f 1m22mg4jeWuWfXiGBHt2LyP6fWzsNwhh5oS2T6pp0UPXi CV5sIGr BOQkuTBgH4WO nY7poWYRGzKwHxsCO0fFTmEbHm

Rahu is an important planet and is responsible for releasing yogas.

The Planets with the Rahu circle will become powerful.

If the Planets in Kendras and Konas from Rahu, the person will become powerful.

Jupiter is in Pisces and the house is the 10th house from Rahu. Pisces is Kendra’s house from Rahu. Pisces is Jupiter’s own house.

Venus is in Pisces and the house is the 10th house from Rahu. Pisces is Kendra’s house from Rahu.  In Pisces Venus is exalted.

Saturn is in Pisces and the house is the 10th house from Rahu. The Aquarius is Kona’s house from Rahu.  Aquarius is Saturn’s own house.


Jupiter gives Hamsa Yoga

Venus gives Malavya Yoga

Saturn gives Sasa Yoga

In my Astrology research work,  Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries are powerful houses.

The Planet position these houses will become very powerful.

If any Planets are exalted in these houses will be super yoga for individuals.

Now the question is these yogas retain their powers in Micro birth chart and Macro birth chart.

See what happened?


AD 4nXd9hAENnYsFs5dF3YAnTJQraFfeggOCmEE ZXy68GBzm9zY94XqHEiCNeW2RiN8DSaOtYYMikJnEZ9lF7hjuU3OyDZRlLKAhn imXEYoisv3wBDSI342Laebfb7d QteTlJiKof?key=upggrPLHKjYsX3e KDfEVT40


In the Micro birth chart, Rahu Ascendant is Sagittarius. Venus owned the 6th house from Rahu.

So Venus’s power is diluted in the Micro birth chart.

The three power Planets have a link with each of them.

But Saturn is in Padak place, from Venus.

Jupiter is in Padak place, from the Moon.

So the Planets who are powerful in the basic birth chart will lose their powers in the Micro birth chart.


AD 4nXeD0Vb2WjN1oia3BOFdIyymbJeHN4

In the Macro birth chart Rahu Ascendant is Aquarius.

Venus is in Aries and the Padak house is Ascendant.

So Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are in Padak link is not favourable for him.

So the basic charts are good yogas. But the yogas do not retain their original power in the Micro birth Chart and Macro birth chart.

So lost his grip on his position.

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