Plesk Obsidian 18.0.61 Release

Plesk Obsidian 18.0.61 Release

Your sites accessed by mobile users just got a speed boost! 

Plesk servers using NGINX now have the option to try out our new HTTP/3 Experimental Support 

The last significant update to HTTP in general was in 2015 when HTTP/2 became available. HTTP/3 is optimized to better serve mobile users, particularly when mobile devices switch between WiFi and cellular data. Watch your sites respond quicker than ever to serve customers and clients on the go. 

Reduce mobile load times with QUIC. To get a bit more technical, HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a protocol designed for mobile devices and their inherent network hopping. QUIC also encrypts transport handshakes by default, enhancing the security experience. This is all accomplished by QUIC making two handshakes at once, combining TCP and TLS handshakes. This makes connections and a user’s experience more efficient, by reducing the time it currently takes HTTP/2 to wait to start that TLS handshake after TCP connection events finish.  

Ready to unlock faster mobile website speeds? Upgrade your Plesk server with NGINX and enable HTTP/3 experimental support today! Plesk running Apache as the sole web server, however, does not support HTTP/3. Learn more about HTTP/3 and its integration with NGINX in the Plesk documentation.

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