OID Announces Zip Codes for Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Grant Pilot Program

OID Announces Zip Codes for Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Grant Pilot Program 2025


The Oklahoma Department of Insurance shared eight zip codes for the initial pilot launch of OKReady, the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes (SOH) program.

SOH provides grants of up to $10,000 to homeowners to fortify homes pursuant to the IBHS Fortified standard. The program will provide 100 grants in its first pilot launch.

The OID said the zip codes chosen for the first pilot were selected using several criteria, including storm data, paid loss ratios and the number of active policies in the selected zip codes.

“These zip codes represent communities in and around Central Oklahoma that have been significantly impacted by convective storms,” said Ashley Scott, Deputy Commissioner of External Affairs and director of OKReady. “We believe this will be a great start for the first pilot, and our team looks forward to working with approved contractors and evaluators and helping consumers make their homes more resilient to future weather events.”

Selected zip codes for the March 3, 2025, pilot launch include:

• 73049

• 73051

• 73065

• 73069

• 73111

• 73127

• 73129

• 73135





East OKC

West OKC

Southeast OKC

Southeast OKC/I-240


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OID Announces Zip Codes for Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Grant Pilot Program
OID Announces Zip Codes for Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Grant Pilot Program