New ‘Stardew Valley’ 1.6 Patch Notes Revealed Ahead of Its Launch This Week on PC and Later on Mobile and Consoles – TouchArcade

New ‘Stardew Valley 16 Patch Notes Revealed Ahead of Its A few days ago, Stardew Valley ($4.99) game creator Eric Barone (ConcernedApe) started posting patch notes (no spoilers) one line at a time on Twitter. Since then, he has revealed that 1.6 will have extended area of effect downward facing melee attacks, reduced time to push against a pet before they start shaking, a seven day honeymoon period after marriage which prevents spouses from laying on the bed all day due to being upset, being able to drink mayonnaise, and most-notably, color coding for jelly, pickles, wine, and juices by the ingredient item. We will likely learn even more as we head to tomorrow’s major Stardew Valley 1.6 patch hitting the PC version. It will come as soon as possible to the mobile and console versions after that.

If you’ve somehow not played the amazing Stardew Valley yet, read our original review for the mobile version, our Game of the Week feature, and also my comparison for the mobile and Switch versions here. You can buy it on the App Store for iOS here and for Android here on Google Play. Here’s our forum thread on the game for more discussion. Do you play it on mobile through its standalone premium release or Apple Arcade regularly?

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