Kamala Harris: Update Presidential Election Chart
Kamala Harris: Update Presidential Election Chart
Update: Will Kamala Harris Win The Election?
Update on Kamala Harris’s Chart. Today is 9/7/24. The Tertiary Moon is approaching the Natal Mars in Leo. One of her problems is that she cannot get past herself when she speaks. This means that she wants to say one thing but it comes out different. She is a very intelligent women but has a hard time communicating her inner thoughts to an audience without a Teleprompter. The Moon/Mars conjunction will be on 9/15/24 of the Tertiary Chart. During this time period she will debate Trump on 9/10/24 and it will be a disaster due to her inner emotional turmoil state of the Moon/Mars conjunction of 9/15/24. If she takes a Chill Pill, she might pull it off. The Moon is Out of Bounds during the Debate and should be very interesting Debate by both of Harris and Trump. The energy is only going to get worse for her as the Tertiary Moon moves in the Negative Area between the Mars/Uranus/Pluto dimension. This is bringing back the childhood trauma that she experienced on an unconscious level caused by her parents. Her parents did the best they could due to their circumstances.
During this same time her Tertiary Neptune is in Opposition to her Natal Jupiter. She needs to think twice before committing to anything that is not in her best interest. This aspect is also causing a Hormonal Imbalance in her body and is affecting her mental/emotional state. This is only going to get worse over the next couple of years. She needs to consult with a Doctor regarding this condition. This is going to lead to her loss in November.
Kamala Harris Tertiary Chart of 9/7/24
This interpretation of her Tertiary Chart also indicates there are hidden forces in the background that are guiding and affecting her life. This is the Mar/Uranus/Pluto Dimension that cannot be seen in her chart. Like I always say “The Universe Knows All The Answers”.
I am still expecting a visit by the Secret Service after I have posted this update. Now that they have cleaned up the Secret Service from the management problems, I personally like the Secret Service because most of them are Ex-Military as I am. Good Americans.