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Jupiter Transfer from Pisces to Aries during May 2023.

From May 2023 everyone have a lot of expectations.

In this post, we can see the Husband wife relationship.

Husband-wife relationship ascertained from the 1st house

and the 7th house.

If you are male, the 7th house indicates female.

If you are female, the 7th house indicates male.


The 1st house lord is Mars and the 7th house lord is Venus. Aries is a Fire sign. Libra is an air sign. If there is a small dispute arises, it will enlarge. Most of the time the 7th house is more responsible than the 1st house, for disputes. During this year Jupiter will aspect Libra and make them cool. But it is expensive. You should spend a lot of money on their wishes. Jupiter will aspect Leo will help the life partner mind in relax. Some problems are controlled by Jupiter. Jupiter aspects Libra will give rich entertainment to husband and wife. Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will help to solve pending issues of life partners regarding Legal issues, loans, health issues, and long pending matters. Marriage awaiter will get happy news. Lovers will be happy during the period.


The 1st house lord is Venus and the 7th house lord is Mars. Taurus is a Land sign. Scorpio is a water sign. The 7th house is stronger than Taurus. Taurus is with extra power. Scorpio is with extra tactics. The 7th house is n a forward position in the life race. Taurus persons face planned disputes which hurt them a lot.  During this year Jupiter will aspect Leo. So the life partners’ businesses, professions, and industries will get extra support from Jupiter. Money will float liberally. Some start new ventures. Jupiter will aspect Libra indicating a long spiritual journey. You will buy  Luxury things for your life partner. Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will help to solve pending family issues of life partners. Some have a new baby.  Marriage awaiter will get happy news. Lovers feel expensive year.


The 1st house lord is Mercury and the 7th house lord is Jupiter. Gemini is an Air sign. Sagittarius is a Fire sign. The 1st house is stronger than Sagittarius. Gemini is with intellectual power. Sagittarius is polite and adjustable. The 7th house lord is Phatak house and its lord Jupiter cannot consider the wishes of Mercury. Most disputes arise due to mismatching thoughts. Sagittarius never thought to win the race. During this year Jupiter will aspect Leo. So the life partners’  wishes will achieve. Long tours, temple visits, the remedy is done, adding of new properties, and certain family issues. Jupiter will aspect Libra in improving its financial status. Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will help to put your life partner always be happy. Life partners health issues will improve. Marriage awaiter will get happy news. Lovers can expect mixed results.


The 1st house lord is MOON and the 7th house lord is Saturn. Cancer is a water sign. Capricorn is a Land sign. The 1st house is stronger than Capricorn. Cancer is fast-acting people. But Capricorn is very slow in activities. So Cancer people always dominating the 7th house people. The disputes are always work-related and lack of responsibilities by Cancer Lagna births. But Cancer Rasis will adjust their life partners. Jupiter will aspect Leo. So the life partners’  health issues will get improve. Foreign tours and study will favor. During this year Jupiter will aspect Libra. So the life partners’ businesses, professions, and industries will get extra support from Jupiter. Some start new ventures. Money will float liberally. Jupiter will aspect the Sagittarius will result, long journey, abroad study and tour, spiritual journey and luxury purchases  Lovers will be in a tough period. Marriage will get some delay.


The 1st house lord is Sun and the 7th house lord is Saturn. Leo is a Fire sign. Aquarius is an air sign. The 1st house is stronger than Aquarius. Sun is an intellectual person.  But Aquarius is very slow in activities. So Leo people always dominate the 7th house people. Aquarius persons are perfect in work but Leo with intelligence dominates the life partners. Aquarius never adjust at any cost. Jupiter will aspect Leo. Saturn also aspect Leo. So the life partners’  health issues will raise during the period. There will be mismatching arguments that spoil the mind’s peace.  Jupiter will aspect Libra. This is a good aspect, there will be good things can expect from heredity issues. Jupiter will aspect the Sagittarius will result, money floats liberally. Life partner’s relatives will cooperate. Higher study dreams will achieve for life partners. Lovers will be in a tough period. Marriage will get some delay.


The 1st house lord is Mercury and the 7th house lord is Jupiter. Virgo is a Land sign. Pisces is a water sign. The 1st house is stronger than Pisces. Virgo is a knowledgeable person. Pisces is polite and adjustable. The 7th house lord is Phatak house and its lord Jupiter cannot consider the wishes of Mercury. Most disputes arise due to mismatching thoughts. Pisces never thought to win the race. During this year Jupiter will aspect Leo. Life Partner will start to construct a house with the loans. Heath issues will give trouble for a life partner. Jupiter will aspect Libra the 8th house indicating long pending health issues and medical attention is needed in specific cases.  Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will help life partners professions, businesses, and industries. Some start new ventures. Money will gain a lot. Marriage awaiter will wait for some time. Lovers mixed results but worried period.


The 1st house lord is Venus and the 7th house lord is Mars. Libra is a land sign. Aries is a Fire sign. The 7th house is stronger than Libra. Aries is with extra power. Libra is polite and depends on Arise. The 7th house is dominating nature in the life race.  During this year Jupiter will aspect Leo. So the life partners’ financial position and spiritual improvement will be considered. The children’s education and profession will be good. Jupiter will aspect Libra indicating that the husband and wife will enjoy good benefits. They visit entertainment places periodically. Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will help to solve pending family issues of life partners. Long journey, abroad proposals, added properties, etc, Some have a new baby.  Marriage awaiter will get happy news. Lovers will like this year in a happy mood.


The 1st house lord is Mars and the 7th house lord is Venus. Scorpio is a water sign. Taurus is a land sign. If there is a small dispute it will enlarge. Most of the time the 1st house is more responsible than the 7th house, for disputes. Jupiter will aspect Leo will help to improve living facilities. Their proposals to construct a new house will be possible. There will be a chance for new car house land etc. Jupiter will aspect Libra and will give trouble in health issues and loan matters. Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will give more cautious in long pending health problems However Jupiter will help to get improvement in health.  Marriage awaiter will get happy news. Lovers will be happy during the period.


The 1st house lord is Jupiter and the 7th house lord is  Mercury. Sagittarius is a Fire sign. Gemini is an Air sign. The 7th house is stronger than Sagittarius. Gemini is with intellectual power. Sagittarius is polite and adjustable. The 7th house is Phatak house and its lord Mercury cannot consider the wishes of Jupiter.  Most disputes arise due to mismatching thoughts. Sagittarius never thought to win the race. During this year Jupiter will aspect Leo. So the life partners’ wishes will achieve. Long tours, temple visits, the remedy is done, adding of new properties, and certain family issues. Jupiter will aspect Libra in improving its financial status. Children’s education abroad proposals will achieve. Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will help to put your life partner always be happy. Life partners health issues will improve. Marriage awaiter will get happy news. Lovers can expect mixed results.


The 1st house lord is Saturn and the 7th house lord is Moon. Capricorn is a Land sign. Cancer is a water sign.  The 7th house is stronger than Capricorn. Cancer is fast-acting people. But Capricorn is very slow in activities. So Cancer people always dominate the 1st house people. The disputes are always work-related and lack of responsibilities by Cancer Lagna births. But Cancer Rasis will adjust their life partners. Jupiter will aspect Leo. So the life partners’ family issues and financial aspects will improve considerably.  During this year Jupiter will aspect Libra. So the life partners’ living facilities will increase. Some buy Land, vehicles, and houses. Jupiter will aspect the Sagittarius will result, Loans health issues give some troubles. However, they will manage it. Lovers will be in a tough period. Marriage will get some delay.


The 1st house lord is Saturn and the 7th house lord is Sun. Leo is a Fire sign. Aquarius is an air sign. The 7th house is stronger than Aquarius. Sun is an intellectual person.  But Aquarius is very slow in activities. So Leo people always dominate the 1st house people. Aquarius persons are perfect in work but Leo with intelligence dominates the life partners. Aquarius never adjust at any cost. Jupiter will aspect Leo. Saturn also aspect Leo. So the life partners’ will get mixed results. Sometimes happy mood and sometimes confusing themselves. There will be mismatching arguments that spoil the mind’s peace.  Jupiter will aspect Libra. This is a good aspect, there will be good things can expect from heredity issues. Jupiter will aspect the Sagittarius will result, money floats liberally. Life partner’s relatives will cooperate. Children’s dreams come true. Higher study dreams will achieve for children. Lovers will be in a tough period and manage it. Marriage will get some delay.


The 1st house lord is Jupiter and the 7th house lord is Mercury. Virgo is a Land sign. Pisces is a water sign. The 7th house is stronger than Pisces. Virgo is a knowledgeable person. Pisces is polite and adjustable. The 7th house is Phatak house and its lord Mercury cannot consider the wishes of Jupiter. Most disputes arise due to mismatching thoughts. Pisces never thought to win the race. During this year Jupiter will aspect Leo. Jupiter will give Spiritual journey, abroad proposals, and plan to buy luxury things. Jupiter aspects Libra will give a good opportunity to add household articles in the kitchen. The Family are expenses desirable. Jupiter will aspect Sagittarius will help to improve living house, construct proposals, vehicles, and lands. Money will gain a lot. Marriage awaiter will wait for some time. Lovers mixed results but they will manage.

In the next post, we will see the Profession, business, and Industries.

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