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Job Responsibilities:-
Carrying out routine scheduled maintenance work and responding to equipment faults.
Diagnosing breakdown problems.
Fitting new parts and making sure equipment is working correctly.
Controlling maintenance tools, stores and equipment.
Monitoring and controlling maintenance costs & managing budgets.
Dealing with emergencies, unplanned problems and repairs.
Ensuring there is continuous cover of the machinery and equipment in case of breakdowns.
Designing maintenance strategies, procedures and methods.
Be aware of electricity bill and energy consumption.
Utility maintenance viz. DG, Air compressor, PS, Transformer.
Planning and undertaking scheduled maintenance.
Responding to breakdowns.
Repairing equipment.
Obtaining specialist components, fixtures or fittings.
Creating maintenance procedures.
Managing stocks of supplies and equipment.
Proper manpower utilization.
ISO & Other Audit Documentation.
Soumya Singh (HR) 7303617968
Tagged as: maintenance production
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