Provide effective and timely resolution for all voice and non-voice interactions (phone, email, self-servicetickets, chats and voicemail) with end users.
Analyze and resolve incidents and service requests regarding use of application software orhardware.Document every incident and support request in the CRM tool and ensure the tickets are closed or escalatedas appropriate.
Should have basic knowledge about computer software and hardware.
Should stay informed about ongoing issues/outages, changes in environment that are communicated viaemail and other channels regularly.
Meet key performance indicators like Customer Satisfaction Survey scores, Contact Quality, First CallResolution, and Schedule Adherence and participate in individual/group coaching sessions.
Create a positive customer support experience and build strong relationships through deep problemunderstanding with a consummately professional attitude.
Should be a self-motivated achiever who gains satisfaction from providing excellent customer service.
Should be a quick learner and team player.Should be flexible to work in different shifts as ISS-Technology works 24 x 7.Avoid unplanned time off from work as this would have major impact on our business.
Excessive unplannedabsence may result in disciplinary actions including termination of your services.Adheres to Code of Ethics, Vision, Mission and Core Values.