Greet clients as they step into the salon; take their inquiries and make them feel comfortable while they wait to be attended to; and schedule appointments for clients with hair stylists.
Offer clients some refreshments as they wait for their turn to be attended to, and offer them magazines to read.
Answer the telephone and attend to inquiries made over the phone, and also make bookings for clients.
Be very knowledgeable about various hair care products and give clients useful advice about the products if they seek your opinion.
Check products in the salon to ensure that they are not out of stock, and inform management of products in shortage in order for them to place orders for more supplies.
Create and send out reminder messages such as texts and emails to the salon clients, reminding them of their bookings and appointments just in case they have forgotten.
Keep records of client payment/billings for services rendered in the salon, create roster for staff and record commissions for stylist