ectricity Connection details of both the factories, their consumption trend for last 12 months, rate charged, power factor, contact details of all the relevant persons in TATA Power. Water tank details, consumption, Contact details of various water tanker vendors. Mobile Connections details, Bill plans, consumption pattern, Internet connection details for both the factories, plans, landline connections, various contact details. Implementation of Lease line. CCTV cameras fitted in the whole premises, both the factories, their locations, connections, maintenance vendors and related details. All the vehicles (Personal & Commercial) related details including their insurances, registrations, servicing, maintenance etc. Contact details for ESI Dispensary and process to take any person / employee to ESI dispensary / Hospital in case of any emergency. Factory inspector related details for building map approval, plan approval, etc. Management of Security Guards, their timing management, shift management etc. All important vendors for construction related works, architect, interior designer, their contact details, addresses etc. Inventory list of furniture in whole factory, and evaluation of additional requirement, if any. Inventory list of all computer related hardwares, printers, LAN networking, etc. their maintenance through hiring of hardware engineer on outsourcing basis. Annual rate contract at cost effecting rates for Hotel in the nearby areas for employees / guests Contacts for various brokers / agents for train ticket bookings, flight ticket bookings, cab bookings, etc. at cost effective rates.