Review or update supply chain practices in accordance with new or changing environmental policies, standards, regulations, or laws.
2) Select transportation routes to maximize economy by combining shipments or consolidating warehousing and distribution.
3) Diagram supply chain models to help facilitate discussions with customers.
4) Develop material costs forecasts or standard cost lists.
5) Assess appropriate material handling equipment needs and staffing levels to load, unload, move, or store materials.
6) Appraise vendor manufacturing ability through on-site visits and measurements.
7) Negotiate prices and terms with suppliers, vendors, or freight forwarders.
8) Monitor supplier performance to assess ability to meet quality and delivery requirements.
9) Monitor forecasts and quotas to identify changes or to determine their effect on supply chain activities.
10) Meet with suppliers to discuss performance metrics, to provide performance feedback, or to discuss production forecasts or changes.
11) Implement new or improved supply chain processes.
12) Collaborate with other departments, such as procurement, engineering, and quality assurance, to identify or qualify new suppliers.
13) Develop or implement procedures or systems to evaluate or select suppliers.
14) Analyze information about supplier performance or procurement program success.
15) Design or implement supply chains that support environmental policies.
16) Document physical supply chain processes, such as workflows, cycle times, position responsibilities, or system flows.
17) Design or implement plant warehousing strategies for production materials or finished products.
18) Confer with supply chain planners to forecast demand or create supply plans that ensure availability of materials or products.