(a) Effective follow up with concurrent auditors/stock auditors/branches for obtaining the audit reports and rectification of irregularities pointed in the inspection reports/ Stock Audit reports/Credit Audit reports / LFAR etc.
(b) Placing a note to the Zonal Manager high lighting major irregularities pointed out in various inspection reports
(c) Assisting the Zonal Head in preparation of Monitorable Action Plan (MAP) for upgrading Medium/High/Very High risk rated branches to Low risk.
(d) Maintaining the Turn-around-time (TAT) for issuing Final Rectification Certificate (FRC) in respect of Risk Based Internal Audit (RBIA) and closure of Concurrent Audit Reports.
(e) Evaluation of Performance of Concurrent Auditors on Half Yearly basis
(f) Allotment of Surprise Inspection to branches under the Zonal Office as per time norms and effective follow up of rectification of Surprise Inspection reports within the time norms.
Any other duties and responsibilities, assigned by the Bank.