– Handling employee grievances and maintain harmonious Industrial Relations with union and workers.
– Negotiations with Union on various issues like Collective Bargaining, Wage Settlement & Agreements.
– Contract labour management
– Attending conciliation before conciliation officers.
– Bi-Partite and Tripartite Agreements with Trade Unions including increase in workload and reduction in manpower in various companies.
– Liasioning with govt officials
– Evolving suitable HRD, IR and Labour Policies and to implement accordingly.
– Handling various administrative duties.
– Handling disciplinary actions, viz., Framing of charge-sheets and other related disciplinary action letters / correspondences including conduct of domestic enquiries.
– Drafting of various official letters, agreements, etc., from time to time
– Monitor the day to day activities of company Guest-house.
– CSR activities
– Co – ordination, education and implementation of people policies