Important Information on Feeding Raised Chickens – 2 Paws Up Inc.

Important Information on Feeding Raised Chickens – 2 Paws Up Inc.

Chickens can eat almost everything from meat to vegetables. Many times, they can also be fed dog food and they’ll peck it with full gusto, or be given pig food and they’ll eat it without hesitation. Chickens are cleaners of garbage tidbits! They can even wipe out every insect, worm, or anything little and more vulnerable than they are. The good thing about raising chickens in your backyard is that it needs no feeding qualifications other than vitamins and boosters.

Grains and scraps of food bits/peelings can also be fed to your chickens. Another favorite feast for chickens are bones with tiny bits of meat. You see, feeding isn’t that hard as long as you save some of those leftovers for your poultry to feed on. Chickens are also intelligent because they know when the bucket of treats is ready for lunch!

Ways to Feed Chickens

Chickens can be fed in many ways. You can either put their food in a container big enough to accommodate the number of chickens during mealtime. Or, scattering their food isn’t a bad idea as long as you don’t worry about some wasted food and that it will remain somewhat scattered.

Including Calcium in Chicken’s Diet

When it comes to hens laying eggs, calcium is required for their diet. During the months just prior to laying season, you can feed your hens calcium just by including crushed clam shells within their meals.  Do not, by any means, give whole clam shells. They may be at risk of recognizing these clams as their own egg shells. So you have to see to it that the clam shells are thoroughly crushed into pieces before giving it to them. These are available in your local feed stores.

Most Common Chicken Food

The most advisable food for your chickens are feeds, pellets, corn and grains. However, meat, fruits and vegetables can also be given to them. Their diet must be monitored because even though chickens enjoy eating, there are certain foods that are not advisable for them to eat. These foods can either be harmful or worse, deadly. Aside from the foods mentioned below, basically, other feedings are safe for them.

What NOT to Feed Your Chickens

Chicken – If you were given the opportunity to eat the thigh of your neighbor, would you do it? Same reason why chickens will dearly object if served with their own kind. But they will not know this. That’s why it is alright if occasionally chicken bones are included in their meals. However, the consequences can be outstanding if given large amounts of chicken meat or parts of the spinal cord and brain, because this may lead to the development of encephalopathy.

Apple – An apple given every two weeks to chickens is fine, but if this routine is done every day, you could expect digestive problems.

Potato Peelings – Chickens don’t really like the idea of eating root crops. The taste isn’t that enjoyable either.

Orange Peelings – The toughness of orange peels is too difficult for them to digest.

Tomato – Given in small quantities, tomatoes can be good, however, be careful because if given in excess, they might affect the chicken’s droppings.

Banana – For some reason, they just don’t like bananas!

The above are just some of the foods that aren’t advisable to give to your chickens. Just take note…root plants aren’t on top of their food eating wishlist and hard fruits are never a favorite. If given in large quantities, whatever the food is, it may give their digestive system a hard time.

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