How To Get Goat Milk For Deliveries

Of all the creatures and enemies you expect to encounter in Unicorn Overlord, a goat isn’t on that list. Yet goats abound in Vanillaware’s tactics RPG, at least on Albion, an island kingdom that players reach late in the game. These goats are friendly, and produce milk. But befriending these animals and actually getting them to produce Goat Milk is a task that Unicorn Overlord doesn’t explain to you. So, if you are pursuing certain quests, you’ll need some sooner or later. So, here’s exactly how you can get Goat Milk in Unicorn Overlord.
First, why do you want Goat Milk? The simple answer is that some towns will require it for their deliveries list, and if you are trying to liberate and rebuild every town in Unicorn Overlord, then it is necessary to have Goat Milk. Also, the item is a necessary part of certain side quests, particularly the Albion carvings. To reach every carving, you will need to complete the Battle for Citronpool and complete the first round of deliveries (which includes three Goat Milk) to unlock the ship that takes you to one of the carvings.
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First, you need to first make goats appear in Albion. This is done by liberating towns. Once a town is liberated, goat herds will start appearing in the surrounding area. To get the milk, you must feed them a special treat, the aptly named Goat Biscuits. The easiest way to find Goat Biscuits is by completing the Battle for Largion and liberating the town. The Provisioner in Largion sells an unlimited supply of Goat Biscuits priced at 200G each. The Provisioner in Peyston also sells the item. Depending on how much money you have you can buy the exact amount of Goat Biscuits you think you’ll need, or just buy a large batch and feed every goat you come across in your travels.
With snacks in hand, return to any town with goats roaming in the area and approach one. Interact with it and you will be given a prompt to offer a Goat Biscuit. Once offered, the goat will produce milk. Repeat the process until you have your desired amount. You may need to roam from town to town, as the critters will disappear for a period of time after producing the item. Once you have a healthy supply in your inventory, you will have successfully transformed Alain into the milk man of Fevrith, ready to go forth and deliver Goat Milk to every town in need.