How to Deal with Flea Season
How to Deal with Flea Season 2025
Fleas feed on the blood of your pet and they can cause more than scratching. Many pets are allergic to flea saliva and develop a condition known as flea allergy dermatitis. It is an extremely itchy condition characterized by severe scratching, hair loss and inflamed skin, which can lead to a secondary skin infection if left untreated. The pet doesn’t even have to have a flea infestation since the allergy can be triggered by the bite of a single flea.
Pets can also become infected with tapeworms by ingesting fleas that have eaten tapeworm eggs. A severe flea infestation can actually be fatal to very young puppies or kittens. Young pets can develop anemia due to blood loss from the feeding fleas, which may result in death, if not treated promptly.
How do you know if your pet has fleas? If you notice your pet scratching, you should comb through the animal’s fur with a fine-toothed flea comb. Fleas tend to migrate to warm, dark areas of the body such as the stomach or under the neck. Don’t assume that your pet doesn’t have any fleas simply because you do not see them at first. If flea dander is present, then your pet has fleas. Flea dander looks like dark specks of dirt that are pulled out in the comb. If you dip the comb in water, the dander will appear reddish. Dander is actually flea feces that has digested blood. You may also notice specks of flea dander on your pet’s bed or blankets. The presence of flea dander suggests your pet does have fleas even if you haven’t seen them.
It is important to be diligent in your efforts to rid your pet and your environment of fleas. There are several products that can effectively help you control a flea infestation on your pet. If you have more than one pet, it is imperative to treat each pet. Contact your veterinarian if you have very young kittens or puppies with a severe flea infestation. You may also need to see your vet for treatment of an elderly pet or one that has a debilitating disease. You will also need to treat and/or wash your pet’s bedding thoroughly. Fleas can live in carpets and get into floor cracks so you will need to vacuum thoroughly. It may be necessary to use a fogger product in the house to rid the home of fleas.
Getting rid of fleas can be a battle, but with determination and diligence, it’s a battle you can win.
Want to protect your furry friend from fleas? Our online store stocks heavily discounted (up to 75% off) flea products.
Want to protect your furry friend from nasty fleas and ticks? Our online store stocks heavily discounted (up to 50% off) flea and tick products, including Frontline and K9 Advantix. – See more at:
Want to protect your furry friend from nasty fleas and ticks? Our online store stocks heavily discounted (up to 50% off) flea and tick products, including Frontline and K9 Advantix. – See more at: