Full Supermoon in Aquarius – Major Frequency Shift
Full Supermoon in Aquarius – Major Frequency Shift

The Full Moon in Aquarius is a supermoon with the power to bring massive frequency shifts and heightened states of awareness. An exact square to Uranus brings the electrical energy of change and transformation.
While the Sun has been in Leo, the collective energy has been focused on the individual self, personal creativity and self-expression. The fire of the heart seeks drama, authenticity and sovereignty. The full moon in Aquarius spotlights the opposite pole of airy detached thought, the ability to step back from the heat of the moment, and connect to cool reason and electric inspiration. We are called to shift our focus from the personal to the universal; from the drama of our own lives to the collective plight of humanity; from self-serving agendas to the path of service.
This full moon has many pronounced aspects which are complex and multi-layered. The Sun is conjunct Mercury retrograde in Leo, which reached cazimi point the day before the full moon. This brings a window of clarity in this retrograde cycle, where profound insights can be gained into the nature of your mind, thought patterns and karmic loops. The Sun, ruler of Leo, conjoins with the Divine Messenger and brings a merging of heart and mind. Energy downloads may flow between the heart chakra and the third eye.
The Sun and Moon are in exact T-square to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the ruler of the Aquarius full moon, and the T-square aspect brings tension and unexpected unfoldings. This type of tension can bring unpredictable events that may seem disturbing, but actually have the potential to shift your life to a higher level. It is all about your state of consciousness. The more you stay on your toes and go with the flow, not letting yourself be attached to outcomes, your consciousness will naturally shift higher, synchronising with the events unfolding around you. You may gain surprising insights into things.
There is another pronounced T-square in the sky, overlapping this one. Venus in Virgo is exactly opposite Saturn in Pisces, and squaring the Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini. This generates more collective tension, where opposite agendas seek resolution. Saturn opposite Venus can bring obstacles in love, where blocks affecting relationships may take on a power and weight that seems insurmountable. Saturn relates to time, age, physical limitations and material considerations. The square to Mars and Jupiter brings an outlet for this energy through communication, actively talking and sharing ideas, and expanding the mind beyond perceived limitations. This alignment can feel frustrating as there is a huge energy wanting to be expressed, and the square to Saturn is putting checks and balances on it.
With these major alignments that speak of challenges and tension, issues may simmer to boiling point. Throughout all of life, consciousness goes through cyclical crises where everything breaks apart only to be rebuilt in a stronger way. We go all through this process of building up and breaking down, constantly transforming the energy that never dies. When we get to the toughest challenges, and we feel we cannot take any more, that means that breakthrough is just about to happen. Uranus is the planet of disruption and breakthrough. The collective consciousness is ascending as we enter the Aquarian age. We need to go through these inner transformations on every level of mind.
In this full moon window, take some time to contemplate the insights you are being shown. Where are you called to transform and ascend? Where does your mind need to break out of limiting thought patterns, which create crystallised thought forms in your aura, blocking you from the immediacy of life? Where can you bring your gifts forward in a stronger way, to really serve humanity? Which obstacles are you being called to navigate, dancing gracefully over stepping stones? What is the powerful message that wants to come through you, despite everything going on around you?
If things seem chaotic, hold your focus and trust. If you feel you have lost your way, connect to your higher guidance and have faith. Remember that a higher plan is unfolding, even though it may not seem like it at times. The key is to bring through the essence of your own soul, and be an instrument of the Divine. Then you know you are doing your part to the best of your ability. When we connect to others also expressing their divinity, we will find the wings to fly.
Full Blue Sturgeon Supermoon 27° Aquarius on 19 August @ 18.25 GMT /UT