FORTUNES CALLS – Gokulam Astrology

FORTUNES CALLS – Gokulam Astrology

If one knows through which house one gets luck, one can travel the path of life and attain excellent yoga.

You will be lucky if three of the 12 houses in astrology – Pisces, Aquarius, and Aries – help you.


How are these houses positioned for you?

Who is truly lucky?

If Rahu is placed in the three houses of Pisces, Aries, and Aquarius, you will be a very lucky person.

These houses can be Lagna for some people

For some people, it can be a place of worship

Some people can identify the tenth profession

Some people can be given money as a place of profit

Some people get Mukti Yoga when they come to Mukti Sthana


If these three houses are important yoga houses for you and the lords of those houses are in contact with those houses then the yoga will work wonderfully.

In other words, if the planets gain yoga strength and are in conjunction with these three houses, they will still perform yoga.

Let us see some examples of those who got excellent results from Aquarius Pisces and Aries houses.

Former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa Horoscope

AD 4nXfWpETBDt0McV 70Dyj9f4z6NYXVytO7n5WQu5

Aquarius comes as the 9th house to his birth ascendant

Pisces is the 10th house for his birth ascendant

Aries comes as the 11th house to his birth ascendant

Rahu in Aries is a wonderful arrangement in his horoscope

Pisces is the 10th house in his horoscope and Jupiter’s aspects

Rahu who is in Aries

In his horoscope, Saturn is in the 10th aspect to Aries,

In his horoscope, Lagna lord Mercury is placed in Aquarius and increases the strength of yoga.

In his horoscope, Venus in Pisces is in Malavya Yoga

These are excellent combinations.

That is why he gained great fame.

So if anyone gets Aquarius, Pisces, or Aries houses as yoga houses, no one can stop you from becoming an aristocracy.

Spiritual Scientist Vallalar Horoscope

AD 4nXc2wajskK R41kAJiKCw5DzEHtJHIM20hdLZIwgf2jDhwG I3ZsM571eg3AO4vXNTsZ36cJMi5zeG2Nf2Mt5sgcGQb3GwU5YrlJpVzEwHHbTcQYzZ3GDCwi6s3vuhBNSDLq8GXkEpWSyROXbHp21UwMKBtD?key=5Gm8pGF66AOQQ6LstiKLcw
AD 4nXfu9mhEm1LTZvOuiDq 4G0k7Iqe9R0DaOOER7 mZJYc8mqXbzXfOcLqQ3YyT03IP9WvbFUgO54ivvnWoxxt89sbh13IYmJgHRFh4CcChCIZa3vBiLD2AdSK2fVT0N3yO5t

The birth ascendant in his horoscope comes as Pisces

Aquarius comes as the 12th house of Mukti Sthanam in his horoscope

Jupiter from Gemini aspects 12th house Aquarius.

Saturn from Taurus aspects 12th house Aquarius.

Mars from Cancer aspects 12th house Aquarius.

This is an important point to note, that three Planetes ie. Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars are in contact with his Mukti Sthana.

That means Aquarius Pisces Aries house lords who give important turns are in contact with Aquarius Pisces Aries houses.

Therefore, those who have these three houses as yoga houses can find progress and yoga in the fields related to those houses by putting strength in the said houses.

Horoscope of Ratan Tata the Businessman.

AD 4nXcfyYtmkLQpRDwTYctG04IJf2dEdqUa1Wv4hGJm h0C7QmSvEpgfaCRyeXSc2ktQWXlgQKV8sm30fJ2jqBgHEmdu1VEjHAOfuOOKYpjrw1JCg9p4f64uQulgyNUaLXUNLA2HwR9NTr0CWzuNA JVzTHzh4?key=5Gm8pGF66AOQQ6LstiKLcw
AD 4nXewZTBsoVyUU1rOGLuewDaj1TaWuW0qI

Observe the strength of the lords of Aquarius Pisces Aries houses for him

Yes, his Aquarius lord Saturn is aspects the 10th house

His Pisces lord Jupiter aspects the 10th house

His Aries lord Mars is aspects the 10th house

So Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, the most important Yogic planets, are connected with the tenth house, so he can earn many crores through business.

In this system the system of Jupiter in Vipareeta Raja Yoga because of

Saturn and Jupiter exchange their houses.

In his horoscope, the lords of the zodiacal yoga houses, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, are in contact with each other and, because they were in contact with the tenth house, he earns several thousand crores.

This is a very important point to note, that these three houses have strong power and there will be a bright future.

Find out how these three houses act accordingly in your birth chart.

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