Fixed Stars and Modern Meanings
Fixed Stars and Modern Meanings
Fixed Stars Need Updating to 21 Century
Fixed Stars: For a Fixed Star to be active in your chart, it needs to be within an orb of one degree either direction. This is a precise measurement in the chart, not the usual crap shoot some Astrologers use. It can have an impact on any planet in the chart including the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and IC. The meanings from the past need to be updated to today’s world because most Astrologers before were hired by Kings and Queens for their Courts to predict outcomes of battles, signing of treaties and marriages. Shipping companies and Lloyd’s of London also hired Astrologers to pick the best time to sail. Let’s not forget, in the past, if you were an Astrologer and you made a bad prediction, you usually ended up hanged, tortured or beheaded. There are thousands who thought they could fool people with fake predictions and are in unmarked graves in Europe and the Mid-East. If you notice, a lot of Astrologers moved a lot trying to avoid the wrath of the bad predictions.
Algol is a good example of needing updating. Algol is the Fixed Star of Beheading. If you have Algol conjunct your Mars, there is a good chance that you can “Lose Your Head” regarding exercise or your temper. Algol conjunct your Venus could be the same thing regarding love affairs. So, the best advice is not to “Lose Your Head” regarding the Planet and House it is in.