Essential Puppy Supplies For A Happy Homecoming
Essential Puppy Supplies For A Happy Homecoming 2025
As an expectant parent, it can be overwhelming to figure out what exactly your little one will need when they first arrive at your home. The following list is some essentials to get things off to a good start. You may have some other suggestions, which we’d love to hear about!
It’s important to remember that your puppy won’t need much initially, apart from your love and attention. Many other items won’t be needed until your dog is an adult – so don’t panic if you don’t have everything right at the start!
Here is our essential puppy home-coming products:
Name tag
A name tag is incredibly important for identifying your puppy in case they should go missing. On the name tage make sure all your contact information, including phone numbers, are clearly written. Your puppy should also be microchipped, so even in a worst case scenario they can be returned to you.
Collar and leash
When choosing a collar and leash, always choose function over appearance. You should also consider what style of training you’re likely to give your pet.
A cozy bed will be a great addition to your pup’s first few days at home. It will bring a great deal of warmth and comfort and you’ll probably be taking loads of photos of them all snuggled up!
Food and water dishes
A separate bowl for food and water is essential. Make sure you choose a style of bowl that is compatible with your breed and size of dog. You can find out what bowl is suitable for your dog here.
Grooming tools
Regular grooming is essential for healthy coats and skin, so make sure you have a good brush, shampoo and nail clippers in your possession. Not only is grooming great for health and appearance, it also asserts you as the pack leader.
Dog crate
Dog crates are incredibly handy and can serve many different purposes, such as helping with house training and just generally keeping your puppy safe- which can be especially reassuring when you can’t supervise your pooch constantly.
Chew toys
Like human babies, puppies go through teething and that can be an incredibly testing time for all involved. Having some chew toys on stand by will help them channel their chewing urges into their toys rather than into your furniture. Toys are also great for soothing boredom and, especially if toys are interactive are great for mental stimulation.
Everybody needs treats in their life – even little puppies! Treats are a great way to provide incentive to your puppy when you are trying to train them, which is important for their development, confidence and well-roundness as they enter adulthood.
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