Easy DIY Carpet Cleaning Solutions You Can Make At Home

Easy DIY Carpet Cleaning Solutions You Can Make At Home

One of the major benefits of taking the time to create your own DIY carpet cleaner is the money you’ll save compared to buying a conventional carpet cleaner. To give you an idea, we’ve done a bit of math below with a breakdown of the costs of our two homemade options versus the average price of a store-bought product.

1. Baking Soda-Based Homemade Carpet Shampoo (costs):
  • White Vinegar: $2.50 for 128 oz bottle
  • Dish Soap: $3.50 for 16 oz bottle
  • Baking Soda: $1.00 for 16 oz bottle
  • Essential Oil (Optional): $10.00 for 300 drop bottle

Cost per Batch:

  • 1/4 cup (2 oz) White Vinegar is $
  • 1 tablespoon (0.5 oz) Dish Soap is $
  • 1 tablespoon (0.5 oz) Baking Soda is $
  • Optional 10 drops Essential Oil is $

Total Cost per Batch: $0.04 + $0.11 + $0.03 + $0.33 (optional) = $0.51 ($0.18 without essential oil)

2. Vinegar and Salt DIY Carpet Cleaning Solution (costs):
  • White Vinegar: $2.50 for 128 oz
  • Dish Soap: $3.50 for 16 oz
  • Salt: $1.00 for 26 oz
  • Essential Oil (Optional): $10.00 for 300 drops

Cost per Batch:

  • 1/4 cup (2 oz) White Vinegar is $
  • 1 tablespoon (0.5 oz) Dish Soap is $
  • 1 teaspoon (0.2 oz) Salt is $
  • Optional 10 drops Essential Oil is $

Total Cost per Batch: $0.04 + $0.11 + $0.01 + $0.33 (optional) = $0.49 ($0.16 without essential oil)

3. Store-Bought Carpet Cleaner

The average cost of a commercial store bought cleaner is about $20.00 for a 64 oz bottle.

Cost per Use: Assuming 3 oz is used per cleaning (which is usually diluted in water) that will cost you $0.94 per use.

So looking at the numbers, if you switch to making your own carpet cleaning solution instead of using a store-bought cleaner, you can save approximately $25 per year while also using natural, chemical-free ingredients. And if you left out the essential oils (which are the most expensive ingredient in thes natural cleaning recipes), then you’re looking at a savings of $39-$40 per year.

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