Does Kamala Harris Have A Void of Course Moon?
Does Kamala Harris Have A Void of Course Moon?
Kamala Harris’s Void of Course Moon
Kamala Harris was born with a Void of Course Moon (50″). The time in the chart is so close to Void of Course that any delay in filing her Birth Time would result in this error. Yes, I know that she has a Rodden Rating of Excellent but 1964 was not the most dependable detailed year for timing of Birth Charts. She was born in a hospital in Oakland, Calif. called the Kaiser Foundation. This hospital at that time in history was set up for working class people to get free medical care as the other hospitals in the areas were for people who had money. The original hospital is no longer there, it was bulldozed to make way for progress. That’s what they call it in California. Sorry folks, that’s how it was in 1964 and no amount of wishing is going to change that fact. (See Birth Certificate Below)
Looking at the clock and the filing of paper work was not the most important thing on the people’s mind attending her birth. Making sure she was born alive was important, not the clock. If you look at the Birth Certificate, you can see it was amended for name change three days later. Guess we will never know what was really going on between her Mother and Father but at that time in history it was “Free Love” in California. Another example for a Void of Course Moon. The odds are there was only one Doctor attending for multiple patients at the time of her birth.
The funny thing is that the Election Chart of 11/5/24 has a VOC Moon also. My belief is that her VOC Moon ties into this election chart somehow. If you look at her life, it reflects a Void of Course Moon. Watching her you can see a VOC Moon at work, she tends to be “not focused” and says many things off the cusp things that do not make any sense when she is not on a Teleprompter. This is the reflection of a Void of Course Moon and the nervousness of her small Gemini (7 Degrees only) Ascendant. The bulk of her Ascendant is in Cancer. The mental and emotions have a hard time getting the right message across.
Void of Course Moon people tend to be all over the place at certain times. This does not mean that she is stupid only unfocused sometimes. This not bad, it is just how it is. When she was 5 years old, she moved to Canada with her Mother. Her VOC Moon was then Out of Bounds in Declination. Her Moon will be Out of Bounds this year on her 60th Birthday. This will make this a very interesting time in her life. We can go on and on, but will only show the Critical Events coming up in her life that can be Life Changing more than she realizes.
Tertiary Moon Progression Chart
First Critical Date Moon Con North Node 07/31/24
Second Critical Date is 8/05/25 Moon Conj Mars
Third Critical Date is
Fourth Critical Date is
Fifth Critical Date is