Define Your Business Category – Jon Loomer Digital
It may be beneficial to define your Business Category in your ad account settings.
When you do this, Meta says “Your business category helps us understand your ad account and ensure you have access to the right features, guidance, and support.”
I don’t know exactly what that covers and what it means for features, but it seems like a good idea to get this completed.
Of course, I have this in every ad account except the one I actually use for my business, so it isn’t yet available for everyone.
You can select up to two categories that best describe your business, and there are 23 different categories to choose from. You can easily change the categories you picked if you need to.
Meta says “These changes won’t affect active campaignsThe campaign is the foundation of your Facebook ad. This is where you’ll set an advertising objective, which defines what you want your ad to achieve. More.” Just saying that is kind of weird because it’s not all that clear how these changes impact your Ads Manager. How could defining your Business Category impact your Ads Manager?
Let me know if you’ve set this and suspect you’ve seen anything different as a result.