Ceres the Dwarf Planet Repeater of Fixed Star Light Energy
Ceres the Dwarf Planet Repeater of Fixed Star Light Energy
Ceres enters Aries In May 2025
Ceres is a Dwarf Planet and is smaller than Pluto but does have a core and a mantle. It is approximately 585 miles in diameter. Ceres has a Gravitational Field of 0.284 m/s2 which makes it a genuine repeater for Fixed Star Light Frequency Energy.
In comparison to the Earth’s Moon, it is low. The Earth’s Moon is 1.62 m/s2 Gravitational Field. Being so far out in the Universe, its influence is minimal due to it distance to the Earth and ability to transmit Fixed Star Light Frequency Energy. Part of this problem is due to the lack of consistency of its Magnetic Field on the surface. It does have water which is one of the reasons it can be a repeater for Fixed Star Light Energy that was proven by Snell’s law of Refraction . Ceres, itself has no influence on the Earth but is a repeater for Fixed Star Light Energy that is manifested on Earth in Tropical Astrology. This light energy manifests as it travels (orbits) around the Universe depending upon the angle of manifestation (Sign) or refraction of light from the Fixed Stars.
What can we expect with Ceres in Aries
Ceres in a Fire sign is the beginning of a famine caused by weather patterns and other Social Economic problems such as war in Ukraine, Africa or Mexico. The only solution is to look at Ceres in Libra energy. No cooperation, you starve period. This requires real leadership and not people who are faint of heart or just takers or complainers. This is not caused by Global Warming but the changes in the weather patterns due to the Earth’s Magnetic Field Changes. These magnetic field changes are going to be intensified by Ceres in Aries as it travels thru the sign of Aries and hits each of the Fixed Stars in Aries. This will not stop until March of 2026 when Ceres enters Taurus when the Universe steps in and fixes things for us again. Jupiter entering Cancer can help minimize this famine. The US is a Cancer country, so the world will be looking for leadership from The United States. So people, those of you who need to lose weight, now is the time for the next year. Will be adding more to this prediction later.