Cats in the Kitchen

Cats in the Kitchen 2025


1. The hardest thing about preparing sushi is not eating all the fish before the guests arrive. Don’t be tempted by that tasty, rich, fresh, juicy, tender fish.

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2. Oh come on, just a little taste. You’ll love it I promise. Just one incy-wincy kitten sized taste.

macaroni cat
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3. Only the tiniest of paw-pinches should do the trick for this recipe. 

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4. Remember to have fun with your baking and add a little of your own personality. Isn’t this cake simply adorable! And cute and intelligent and talented… oooooh and so pretty…

look like me

5. One invaluable tip my nonna from Bologna taught me was to always warm the pasta before cooking. It gives it the most amazing texture. 

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6. Once the pastry feels firm to the paw and looks shiny, then the pie is ready to be enjoyed. 

Cat Pie
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7. It’s really important to make sure there are no lumps. Any lumpy bits can be stored on your chin and whiskers for later.

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8. Excuse me but this roast DOES NOT need more seasoning!

chicken cat

9. Oh hi, umm, you’re right there. So, you’re meant to put your paws right in the cake mix. I’ve seen Nigella do it I swear to you.

The cat

10. Job well done indeed. Happy kitties means a happy chef.

cat chef

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Cats in the Kitchen
Cats in the Kitchen