Autumn Equinox – Sun enters Libra


We now stand in the Equinox gateway, marking a major quarter point on the wheel of the year. The Sun enters its fall in the Northern Hemisphere, and begins the descent towards the winter solstice. The Equinox day comes shortly after the Harvest Full Moon; this is the time when we celebrate the harvest of the year, and reap the results of our efforts. It is a time of bounty and gratitude, as the crops are gathered and abundance flows.


Whatever you have harvested this year, give thanks for everything. This is one of the greatest spiritual practices there is. When you give thanks for everything, you fill your life with the energy of gratitude, and surrender to soul lessons. Any bitterness or harshness is driven out by the energy of pure love. Like flowing mead and the sweetness of honey, gratitude will bless your life if you let it.


In the equinox window, 24 hours either side of the exact equinox, the earth’s magnetic field is lowered and the veils are lifted. This is a powerful time to meditate, and tune into the power of nature. Senses may be heightened, and you may feel more sensitive than usual. This is a moment of balance, between the light and the dark, day and night, summer and winter. A balance point between inner and outer, upper and lower worlds. The point of balance is in the heart. Honour the flow of energy and emotions through your heart, and the great life force that lives here. In your heart is your spiritual will to live as a soul in the world.


The Sun enters Libra on this day, the sign of the scales and the balance of all things. Libra is the seventh sign, concerned with relationships of all kinds. When we live as a consciousness incarnated in form, we encounter others. What can we learn from our relationship with the other? What are your relationships teaching you about yourself and your place in the world? What are they showing you about your childhood, and the patterns you carry within?


On the equinox, we have the opportunity to let go of all we no longer need. This is a time to be very gentle with yourself, and ask you inner child what she no longer wishes to carry. Who was your inner child before the burdens she encountered? Can you remember? Do you give her permission to live?


Libra is the sign of love, beauty, peace, harmony, perfection, and divine justice. It rules partnerships, relationships, the arts, writing, logic and reason. As the Sun enters Libra we reflect on these qualities and areas of life. Where could you bring more peace and harmony? Where you could you mediate and foster understanding? Are you able to detach from your emotions, and resolve conflict through the power of thinking and reasoning?


In Libra, the focus is on relationships. The day after the equinox, Venus enters Scorpio, so this can be a very passionate and romantic time for lovers. This energy can bring new beginnings where there is stuck energy and misunderstandings, if you allow yourself to reset and let go of resentments from the past. In Libra, we seek ideal relationship, and life always falls short of perfection. We can experience moments of perfection, and then the conscious mind goes on creating problems. This is a good time to re-examine your relationship ideals, look at how you can develop those qualities within yourself, and what you are prepared to accept from others. As Venus moves through Scorpio, it can bring out deeply buried feelings and old resentments, the scars of hurt and betrayal. You may find it a good time to do a “relationship detox”, heal and release cords from the past, and cleanse the emotional body. In this way, you will allow yourself to begin afresh with the Sun in Libra, and see what is possible for you.


The equinox is a time to look at which areas of your life or health are out of balance. What can you do to restore the sacred balance of your life? It may help to do some visioning, journaling and manifesting. Meditate and listen to your guidance, and tune into what your body is asking for. If you have been taking care of your health with the Sun’s transit through Virgo, you should be feeling more balanced now. If not, really listen to the messages from your subconscious. Make the decision to let go of what is weighing you down, and bring more beauty and harmony into your life.


Libra with her scales is symbolised by Lady Justice, and also Goddess Ma’at, the principle of cosmic order and divine justice. Remember that, although things may seem very out of balance in the world, cosmic order always prevails. People may commit crimes and appear to get away with them, but they cannot escape their karma. As we move through the cycles of life, from the small cycle of a day to the great cycle of a Great Year of 25,920 years, divine balance is known, and divine justice is served. All things are ultimately balanced by the Divine Creator.


May we seek to understand our role in these cosmic cycles of soul evolution. When greater understanding is reached, greater compassion always manifests.


Equinox blessings of love and gratitude


Katy Sophia 22.09.2024



22 September: Sun enters Libra – Autumn Equinox  12.44 GMT /UT

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