Aga Khan – spiritual in a material world – Astroinform with Marjorie Orr

Aga Khan – spiritual in a material world – Astroinform with Marjorie Orr

Aga Khan – spiritual in a material world - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 7
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Aga Khan – spiritual in a material world - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 8
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Aga Khan – spiritual in a material world - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 9
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Aga Khan – spiritual in a material world - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 10
prince rahim
Aga Khan – spiritual in a material world - Astroinform with Marjorie Orr 11

The Aga Khan who mystifyingly combined the role of spiritual leader and generous philanthropist with astonishing wealth and a turbulent, well-publicised romantic life has died aged 88. Well known for his racehorses, which included the 2016 Derby winner and the kidnapped Shergar, he owned the largest horse racing and breeding operation in France which brought him into regular, friendly contact with Queen Elizabeth 11.

His charities are famous for their work in poor and war-torn parts of the world, working in over 30 countries with an annual budget of about $1 billion.

His followers say he was a direct descendent of the Prophet Mohammed and he inherited his title from his grandfather Aga Khan 111 in 1957 aged just 20. His first wife was a British model and his second a German former pop singer.

Born 13 December 1936 7.15am Geneva, Switzerland, he had an upbeat first house Moon, Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in the 9th which latter may point to his international charitable work; with Neptune in a hope-for-a-better-society opposition to Saturn. His Jupiter was exactly conjunct Ceres  which would also bring a wish to care for others and an interest in nature (horses). He had Pluto in the 8th, a hint of the intergenerational challenges and influence given to him which opposed Venus in Aquarius. His passionate Venus Pluto plus a 5th house Uranus would point to a tumultuous romantic life.

His father Prince Aly Khan, 13 June 1911 2pm Turin, Italy, a socialite, racehorse owner and third husband of actress Rita Hayworth, who did not inherit the title from his father had Saturn in the 8th with Uranus in his 4th opposition a 10th house Neptune; plus a controlling/over-controlling father Sun Pluto in Gemini in his 9th; and an over-expansive Jupiterian yod. His charming Venus in Leo was in a passionately enthusiastic trine to a 7th house Mars and a frivolous square to his emphasized Jupiter.

One generation back, Aga Khan 111 born 2 November 1877 6pm Karachi, Pakistan, promoted Muslim rights in India and like his grandson was keen to improve women’s education. In line with the family tradition he owned racehorses and had several marriages. He had a Scorpio Sun opposition Neptune in Taurus and trine a hard-edged Saturn Mars in Pisces. Pluto in Taurus in his 1st squared Uranus in Leo on the cusp of his 5th house so he would be a keen reformer. He had a lucky Jupiter Venus conjunction in his 8th house.

Prince Rahim, 12 October 1971 6pm Geneva, Switzerland, who is expected to become the new Aga Khan though it has not yet been announced –  also has Jupiter in his 8th hinting at luck with inherited wealth, in his case conjunct Neptune  and opposition Saturn. He has been involved for many years with the Aga Khan Development Network, whose remit is to improve the quality of life in different regions of Asia and Africa. It focuses on health, education, culture, rural development, institution building, and economic development and providing opportunities for the poor without regard to faith, origin, or gender.

Like his father he has a notable Saturn opposition Neptune which has an interest in fostering the weak and disadvantaged; and a full 6th house with Pluto and his Libra Uranus Sun there which could point to a life of service.

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