Dogs Can Smell Cancer
Dogs Can Smell Cancer 2025

Incredibly, dogs have a sense of smell that is on average 10,000 to 100,000 times more powerful than the human olfactory sense. This stupendously sharp schnozzle is effective, (according to various estimates) anywhere between 93 and 99 percent of the time. This has led to a lot of differing opinions on practical application of dogs as healthcare professionals.
Dogs are already in widespread use as ambassadors of goodwill in elderly homes and terminally ill wards in hospitals all over. Thus many medical researchers are suggesting that thoroughly trained tumor tracing hounds be on hand for diagnostic purposes as well. That would mean a hospital dog could be as common as a drug or bomb detecting canine. On the other side of the spectrum, many suggest that cancer detecting dogs should be used in labs to determine which compounds are actually being found as x factors in the detection process. That way the researchers can develop advanced detection equipment and let the dogs get back to rolling in the mud. Where ever they end up, you can bet that they’ll show up with tongues lolling and tails wagging at the prospect of being helpful to their human counterparts. Man’s best friend is always going the extra mile to try and help out an owner in need, but this latest battery of good deeds might just end up saving lives.
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