Will an Aries Man Apologize After Upsetting You? • Astrologify
Will an Aries Man Apologize After Upsetting You? • Astrologify 2025
If he does something wrong to hurt you or make you mad, can you expect an Aries man’s apology?
Does he say he’s sorry right away or does he prefer to sweep problems under the rug?
Some zodiac signs are more likely to apologize than others, and every sign apologizes in different ways.
So, how can you tell whether or not an Aries guy will say he’s sorry when he has made a mistake?
By learning more about his sign’s typical personality traits and behaviors, you will know whether or not you can count an Aries man to apologize after upsetting you.
He Needs to Know You’re Upset
An Aries man isn’t the type to apologize just in case something’s wrong, and he probably won’t even know you’re upset unless you tell him directly.
Subtlety isn’t the way to go with this straightforward and honest sign. If you are passive-aggressive or give him the silent treatment, don’t think that your Aries guy will assume that he’s the reason you are upset.
He will just think you are acting weird and will get annoyed because that’s what happens when you ignore an Aries man.
You need to be able to express to him that you’re upset and tell him what he did wrong to make you so mad.
Otherwise, you will both just grow more and more irritated with one another until you both explode.
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He Won’t Apologize Unless He Means It
An Aries man won’t apologize unless he really means it. He will never just tell you what you want to hear.
He isn’t the type of person to put a bandaid over a relationship problem by issuing a fake apology.
He is both extremely honest and incredibly stubborn, and this combination of traits means that he will never say he’s sorry if he doesn’t feel it.
Don’t look for a false apology just to make you feel better from an Aries man. You will either get a sincere, heartfelt apology or nothing at all.
He Needs to Be Right
The problem with getting an Aries man to apologize is that he always needs to be right. He loves nothing more than winning an argument.
This combative quality can be explained by his zodiac sign’s ruling planet. Every sign has a guiding heavenly body that reveals something significant about that sign’s character.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, passion, and aggression. This tells us that Aries men are skilled at debating and they never back down from a challenge.
His innate competitiveness and drive to win make it difficult for an Aries man to admit when he’s wrong.
Unless there is logical or tangible evidence that he made a mistake, an Aries guy won’t believe that he did anything bad because he always thinks he’s right.
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He Apologizes Quickly
Although an Aries guy assumes he’s right and will look for arguments and loopholes to try to find a reason why he’s not in the wrong, he is willing to admit his mistakes once he recognizes them.
Once your Aries guy realizes that he did something hurtful, he will have no problem apologizing.
The second that he sees that he owes you an apology, he won’t fight anymore. He will apologize immediately because he wants the problem to blow over as quickly as possible.
All you have to do is present a rational argument for why your Aries guy should apologize to you, and if he agrees with your point, he will say he’s sorry right away.
He Doesn’t Let Resentment Linger
If he won’t say he’s sorry, don’t assume your Aries man is hiding his feelings. Other than acting like he’s not afraid or doesn’t get insecure, an Aries man is incapable of concealing his emotions.
When he is sorry, he says it right away because he can’t stand the sick, guilty feeling that grows in his stomach when issues are left unresolved.
Although he is prone to frequent outbursts of anger, an Aries guy isn’t the type to go to bed angry.
He would rather hash out any issues together as quickly as possible because he hates letting resentment linger.
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He Apologizes Sincerely
An Aries man hates being wrong, although he has no problem admitting it if he agrees that he did something bad.
So, when he does apologize, you can bet that your Aries guy means it. He won’t apologize without reason or if he truly doesn’t think he’s wrong.
He’s also one of the most brutally honest signs of the entire zodiac, so his words always reflect exactly how he’s feeling.
You will never have to guess what he’s thinking or wonder about where you stand when you’re with an Aries guy. If he says sorry, there is no reason to question his apology because he is so sincere.
He Expects an Apology in Return
Sometimes couples have arguments where both people speak to one another unkindly and say things they don’t mean.
An Aries man will apologize for his part in this type of fight, but he will also expect to hear an apology from his significant other.
When an Aries man goes silent after apologizing to you and looks at you expectantly, it means that he is looking for an apology in return.
If he apologizes when you both did something wrong, he won’t let the issue go until you say that you’re sorry, too.
You need to take responsibility for your part in the disagreement and acknowledge what you did wrong, otherwise, the argument will just start all over again.
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He Expects You to Move On
Aries is a cranky and combative sign, so arguments with an Aries guy are likely to be frequent.
Luckily, he is self-aware enough to know that he is a fighter, so he will apologize just as often as he lashes out in anger.
An Arie doesn’t hold onto any bad feelings, so when someone apologizes to him, he moves on quickly. When he tells someone he’s sorry, he expects them to move on right away, too.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man addicted to you, you should also be willing to discuss disagreements right away and move on from arguments immediately.
An Aries guy can’t be with a partner who holds grudges and won’t let things go after he has apologized and the problem has been solved.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man fall in love with you, you should never bring up the argument again after he apologizes because people who hold onto the past drive him crazy.
He Will Upset You Again
Some zodiac signs apologize when they mess up and then make a conscious effort to never create the same problem again, but Aries is not one of those signs.
An Aries guy will apologize sincerely when he hurts you, but unfortunately, he is likely to make the same mistakes over and over again.
It doesn’t mean he forgot what happened before or that he is disregarding your feelings. It’s just hard for him to break habits, and he has such a temper that his little blowups will occur repeatedly.
Even an Aries man in love will repeatedly make the same mistakes that upset you. It’s not a sign that he doesn’t care or that he is intentionally trying to annoy you.
If you’re going to be with an Aries guy, you need to have thick skin and a great deal of patience because he will test you time and time again.
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He Makes It Up to You
An Aries man doesn’t do anything by half-measures. He has an extreme personality and likes to do everything over the top, so it’s no surprise that his apologies are extravagant, as well.
When an Aries guy knows that he has really messed up, he will not only apologize verbally but he will also perform a grand gesture to show you how sorry he is for his mistake.
He will buy you a thoughtful gift or take you out on a fabulous date because that’s how an Aries man shows his love. He’s not the kind of guy who sends flowers instead of admitting he’s wrong, though.
He will both say he’s sorry and do something sweet for you, so don’t think he’s trying to get out of a real apology with his generosity.
When he does something super special to make up for his mistake, it’s one of the signs an Aries man is in love with you.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man obsessed with you, you should apologize to him the same way he apologizes to you by doing something romantic for him.
Tell him you’re sorry and then buy him tickets to see his favorite team play, or plan a weekend camping trip to spend time together and get your relationship back on track.
He will love that you made such a thoughtful gesture and will enjoy every second of the experience.