What To Do When Your Cat Refuses To Use Their Litter Tray
What To Do When Your Cat Refuses To Use Their Litter Tray 2025
If your cat is of a mature age, then that may be the reason why you have seen a change in litter tray use. Firstly, some elderly cats can develop a degree of dementia that may leave them feeling confused about where they are or cause them to forget where they are supposed to urinate. Secondly, arthritis is a fairly common complaint in older cats, and the joint pain associated with the condition can make it difficult to get into the litter tray. If your cat has arthritis then it may need a litter tray with low sides.
Certain health problems can strike a cat of any age and lead to a reluctance to use the litter tray. It can be useful to make an appointment with your vet and discuss all of the following:
- Urinary tract infections: If your cat enters the litter tray but does so more often than normal and only manages to pass small amounts of urine, a urinary tract infection may be behind the new tendency to urinate elsewhere.
- Interstitial cystitis: This inflammatory disease affects the bladder and makes your cat feel like urinating more often. As a result, your pet might start urinating in unusual places instead of (or as well as) the tray.
- Bladder stones: Bladder stones are very painful, so if your cat is suffering from this problem then you might hear crying when the animal tries and fails to urinate.
In any of these cases, treating the underlying condition should eliminate the problem with inappropriate urination.