Cats: Indoors or Outdoors?
Cats: Indoors or Outdoors?
Cats: Indoors or Outdoors?
On the other hand, if you keep your cat indoors, there are several ways to ensure he has a healthy, satisfying life. Providing your feline friend with a companion — another cat, or even a dog in some cases — gives him an outlet for play, exercise, grooming and affection when you’re away from home. Cats also enjoy toys, such as laser toys or kitty “fishing poles,” that are both physically and mentally stimulating. Playing with these toys for a few minutes each day gives your cat an outlet for his natural hunting instincts. Indoor cats also need appropriate surfaces for scratching, so ensure your pet has several scratching posts spread around the house. You can create a stimulating indoor oasis for your cat by providing climbing places, hiding spaces, perches in sunny spots, and in-house entertainment such as bird feeders or birdbaths within view of windows.