What Rules Odors in Astrology?
What Rules Odors in Astrology?
Astrological Ruler of Odors
Odors are ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Odors is Mars, Venus, Moon and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Odors.
What Is an Odor?
Odors: The sense of odor arises when small quantities of volatile chemicals in the local environment can be detected through the olfactory sense. At the same time, an odor can also be referred to as a “smell” or “scent,” and it is not necessarily limited to what we perceive as good or bad smells. Certain smells are horrible, such as sewage. The sensation of smell is mainly controlled by the olfactory nerve that helps in regulating the sense of smell, or ‘the perception of odors’. A group of neurons known as olfactory receptor cells is present in the olfactory epithelium. This is a minute portion of delicate tissue which is located at the posterior part of the nasal cavity. While “smell” and “odor” are general terms that can be used to describe both pleasant and unpleasant odors, the terms “scent”, “aroma”, and “fragrance” are mainly used when describing nice-smelling odors, often in relation to food flavors or cosmetic products like flower scents or perfumes. Love My Odors!