Will JD Vance Be Elected Vice President?
Will JD Vance Be Elected Vice President?
JD Vance and the Election
The Tertiary Chart for JD Vance is a good indicator if he will be elected or not. It is one of the Primary Indicators of the success in one’s chart. If you have been doing charts for a long time, you will always use the Tertiary Chart for predictive work along with Horary. Lunar and Solar Returns. If we examine this chart (See Below), we are watching the Tertiary Moon and its advancement in the chart on Election Day 11/5/24.
If you will notice, the Tertiary Moon is in the 10th House of Achievement and Success in Life. This is called the “Ultimate Success In Life”. If you have had Saturn transiting the 10th House, you know it is a time to reap your rewards in life. The Tertiary Moon in 10th House Trine the Moon/Pluto Midpoint (Natal) Trine the Tertiary Jupiter in the Sixth House is a Grand Trine on Election Day. Jupiter in the Sixth House means that he will have an over the top vote from the Military and Veterans being a Marine that was in Iraq. Anyone that can complete the Marine Basic Training at Parris Island deserves a lot of respect. Like they say, “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.” The outcome will be shocking to a lot of Americans that will back him up.
This chart fits perfectly with the Election Day Chart. If you look at the aspects, Tertiary Moon Trine the Mid-Point of the Moon/Pluto Trine the Jupiter in the Tertiary Jupiter is indicative of a win in the Vice Presidential Election. The only way for changes in the outcome would be manipulation of Moon/Pluto in Libra by outside forces. I am posting this 8/26/24 at 7:oo AM in Miami, Fl. with the Moon in Gemini to see what results come from this. This is how you experiment with Astrology. Will be updating later.
I am still expecting a visit by the Secret Service after I have posted both Trump and Harris’s info and now Vance. Now that they have cleaned up the Secret Service from the management problems, I know that the Sloped Roof down the street will be protected. I personally like the Secret Service because most of them are Ex-Military as I am. Good Americans.