What Is A Lunar Return Chart?
What Is A Lunar Return Chart?
Lunar Return Chart
Hi, This is “The Lunar Man”. I am here to talk to you about Lunar Returns and how they affect you. The Lunar Return begins when the transiting Moon conjuncts the Natal Moon in your Natal Chart. It occurs approximately 13 times a year depending upon your location on the Earth.
This Lunar Return starts about in the Balsamic Cycle. This is two and half days before Lunar Return is exact. You will begin to feel the energy if you are In-tune with Universe. This chart is all about your “Emotional Response” for the coming month. The Sign on the Ascendant describes your behavior or emotional issues you will have to deal with others during the current month. During a Lunar Return, it is important that you are aware of your emotional response or lack of depending upon the Ascending sign on the chart. Being in charge of your emotions is the most important part of the month, letting them get out of hand will create Karma in future months during the year.
Some important things to understand what is beginning and ending this month.
1. Look At The Angles for the Focus of the Month.
2. A Cardinal Sign of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn on the Ascendant is a New Beginning. Time to start something new. Get excited.
3. A Fixed Sign of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius on the Ascendant is a Consolidating Time. Manage Existing Projects, no new starts.
4. A Mutable Sign of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces on the Ascendant is a Time of Change. Fluctuating and changes are all around you.
5. A Mixed Sign of Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable on the Ascendant is a Time of Mixed Messages from Others. Do not jump to conclusions, play a waiting game to see the truth. Someone is trying to be better than you somehow. Watch for deception.
If you have any questions, email us at info@lunar-returns.com Thanks for your time, The Lunar Man.