How to Arouse a Scorpio Man • Astrologify

How to Arouse a Scorpio Man • Astrologify

Arousing a Scorpio man seems like it should be easy. Scorpio men get a reputation for being sex addicts, after all.

You do need to put in an effort, though. He’s not going to be turned on the second you mention sex.

Are Scorpios good in bed? They tend to be, yes. They get a reputation for being very sexual people.

If that seems intimidating, don’t worry. There are ways you can have even the most experienced, confident Scorpio men eating out of your hand.

He likes games. He likes a little power play in the bedroom. He likes to be in control sometimes but other times, he’ll sit there and let you boss him around.

He loves to hear about your fantasies as well. Telling him is sometimes all you need to do to get him going.

Tease Him

Scorpio loves to be teased. He likes it when you work him up, only to back off at the last minute.

This is fun for him. He’s not going to get frustrated if you play coy or if you take a while to get to the “main act”. Tease him all you want and he’ll have a great time.

You can send him sexy texts all day long so that he’s ready to go by the time he gets home. You can play footsie and tease him under the table over dinner.

When you two are having sex, you can take your time as well. He isn’t in any rush.

Scorpio rules over the reproductive and circulatory systems, so a Scorpio man’s favorite body part differs from man to man. Any body part can be an erogenous zone. Any part of him can rile him up.

Touch him all over and never stay in one spot too long. This will get him fired up more than anything else and leave him wanting more.

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Cat & Mouse

What does Scorpio like in a woman? A little mystery always does it for him. He likes it when his partners play hard to get.

The key to playing hard to get is making sure he knows that you are interested in him. He’s not going to chase after somebody that legitimately wants nothing to do with him.

When he knows that you love him and that you want to be with him, you can do little things to ignore him or “turn him down”. It’ll make him work harder to get what he wants.

If he starts sexting, play innocent and pretend you have no idea what he’s doing. He’ll have to up the ante and be more explicit about what he wants.

If he initiates sex, you don’t always have to agree right away. Be coy. Make him wait. Make him see to your needs before you see to his.

Read more about Scorpio man

Be Assertive

What is Scorpio attracted to? He likes it when women are confident and assertive. Don’t be afraid to tell him what you want.

You can boss him around in bed a little. You can even be a little demanding. Tell him what you want and tell him to give it to you.

Make sure you’re satisfied after every sexual encounter with him. If he’s doing something wrong, tell him. If he’s doing something right, demand more!

You’ll drive him wild when you’re upfront about what you want in bed. You can be as explicit as you like. If telling him what you want doesn’t drive your point home, show him.

This isn’t about control. Scorpio does like to play power games sometimes but he mostly loves to see that you’ll ask for what you want. He’ll be turned on when you demand he gives you whatever it is you need.

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Be Adventurous

A Scorpio man’s personality in bed is wild and adventurous. He doesn’t shy away from exploring kinks or fulfilling fantasies.

Sex with Scorpio is always interesting. You’re never going to have the exact same experience twice.

Sometimes, he’ll just want something quiet and intimate. Other times, he’ll want something loud and he’ll want to try out something new.

You can be unrestrained when you have sex with a Scorpio man. He isn’t going to judge you. If you have a kink or fetish that you’re embarrassed about, he’ll help you embrace it.

Show him that you’re willing to get down and dirty in bed with him. Trust him to show you a good time even if you two are doing something you think is odd at first.

You don’t have to hold yourself back when you have sex with a Scorpio. You don’t have to feel embarrassed when you’re with him.

He is into some unconventional things. If he sees that you are too, that will turn him on.

Be Vulnerable

Vulnerability is one thing that is important to a Scorpio man in bed. Sex is one way that he opens himself up to other people. He likes to see that his partner is able to be vulnerable with him too.

A Scorpio man in love doesn’t think of sex as just a physical act. It is also a way for him and his partner to show their love for one another. It is an emotional affair.

Let him see you as you are. You don’t need to turn the lights off or hide your body from him. He wants to see it, flaws and all.

You don’t need to hold back if you get emotional in bed either. It will make the experience better for him.

When he sees that you trust him and that you’re willing to share everything with him, that will make sex better for both of you.

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Eye Contact

Scorpio is all about eye contact. He has a fierce, intense gaze and he will go weak in the knees if you return his intense look with one of your own.

When you two are having dinner together, look at him across the table. Make direct eye contact. Don’t look away while you suggestively bite your lip or lick some frosting from your finger.

One smoldering look is sometimes all it takes to show a Scorpio man that you’re ready for action.

This is especially useful if you’re playing hard to get. Show him with your eyes that yes, you’re interested, even if you’re pretending that you’re not.

Direct eye contact during lovemaking will turn him on as well. Don’t look away from him. If you’re doing something particularly raunchy, it’ll be even more of a turn-on if you maintain eye contact the whole time.

New Experiences

A Scorpio man’s sex life might be exciting as is but he’s never going to say no to a new experience.

If there’s ever anything you’ve been curious about trying in bed, bring it up to your Scorpio lover. He’s not going to judge you. Even if it’s not something he’s considered before, he’ll find it sexy just because you do.

If he asks you to try something new, at least consider it. He won’t force anything but he finds new experiences sexy. If he’s asking you to have a new experience with him, it’s because he trusts you.

Having new experiences together is a way of bonding. It’s also just fun! It’s one way you can make sure the two of you never get bored together.

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Sexy lingerie is a simple and easy way to arouse a Scorpio man.

If you two are on a date, wear something sexy underneath your clothes. Wear a low-cut top or something with an off-the-shoulder neckline so that he can get a sneak peek of what’s underneath.

He prefers dark colors, like deep reds and blacks. Wear something in his favorite color and it will drive him wild.

He’ll like helping you shop for lingerie as well. He’ll gladly go to the store with you or look at pieces online and assist in picking a few things out. That will rile him up.

Tell Him Your Fantasies

Some of a Scorpio man’s characteristics make him the perfect person to tell all your fantasies to.

He’s a good listener. He is also nonjudgemental when it comes to things other people might consider vulgar or taboo.

If you have a fantasy you’re embarrassed about, you don’t need to worry about sharing it with him. He’ll love hearing about it.

Even if it’s just a fantasy and not something you’d like to try, just hearing it will turn him on.

Knowing that you trust him and that you want to share such intimate details with him will be more arousing than anything else.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Scorpio man. →


A Scorpio man’s likes and dislikes are going to vary when it comes to sex. Most Scorpio men love to play games in bed, though.

You can get creative with this but it doesn’t have to be too elaborate (unless you want it to be). Something as simple as “sexy dice” will be fun for both of you.

If you suggest playing some sort of game in bed, he’ll be turned on before you even start playing.

Scorpio tends to like roleplay in bed as well. He’s a creative person. He’s passionate. He’ll really dive into anything the two of you come up with.

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