Fixed Stars Influence in the Astrology Chart
Fixed Stars Influence in the Astrology Chart
How Fixed Stars Influence the Planets
Fixed Stars: Most people think that the Fixed Stars are bad such as Algol. Let me be clear about Fixed Stars, they are all good and act like an amplifier in the chart.
If you have a Fixed Star conjunct a badly aspected Planet such as Mercury, the person involved will exhibit the following characteristics more than normal. This is the Universe’s way of showing the Truth about people or events.
Badly Aspected Mercury: Cunning, Easily Bored in Conversations, Cold, Deceitful, Dishonest in Dealings, Distrustful, Tendency to be Depressing in Conversations, Never Happy, Always Dissatisfied and can be Cold and Calculating toward others.
Positively Aspected Mercury: Perceptive, Observant, Have Mental Agility, Quick Witted in Conversations, Have a skill that is more than normal for Others Bordering on Genius, Very sociable with others and can have a Magnetic Personality that people like to be around.
If you are to understand the the Fixed Stars from the Ancient Writers point of views, you have to understand the culture at the time of their writing their meanings. Example: Roman Culture was about politics and war to conquer other inferior lands at that time in history for their resources. These conquered lands provided the Slaves to the Empire to do work. Basically, it came down to Money and Power.
People today criticize these writers but use today’s standards to judge them in their writings. My question is: Would you say the same if you were living in Rome or in Baghdad or Mesopotamia? No you would not because you would have be burned alive, hung or beheaded when the King, Queen or other ruler read your books. There are many so-called Astrologers in unmarked graves in the East and West Civilizations of the World.
Cultures can not be judged by people living in another time period. What was historical behavior can not be changed. It is what it was, nothing else. What people think is good today as historical behavior will be looked upon in a thousand years as bad in their prejudiced eyes of the future. People are naturally prejudiced in their views of the world. Your culture makes you prejudice whether you believe it or not.