What Will Harris Do Regarding Her Dilemma With Denebola?
What Will Harris Do Regarding Her Dilemma With Denebola?
Do I Sign With The Devil or Do I Go My Own Way?
The Tertiary Moon (11/1/24) is now conjunct the Natal Pluto and moving forward to the Tertiary Pluto/Uranus conjunction. This represents the choice she will have to make within the next few days. Pluto is the “Devil in Disguise” who gives us choices. Will she make the right choice as the Fixed Star “Denebola” requires her to do.
This is an extremely powerful conjunction for good or evil. If she picks wrong, it will come back to haunt her in the future. Most of the time, she has made many bad decisions that came back to haunt her. Her Handlers have helped hide many of her mistakes. This one will be “Seen Worldwide” and cannot be hidden.
Life is always full of decisions in your Tertiary Chart every year and a half. If you look back at your life via the Tertiary Chart you will see when it happens. When the Moon conjuncts Pluto, this is that time. Go back and check it out. Some people, it is an easy decision but others like Harris’s are conflicted. Her decision is “Do I Sign On The Dotted Line With The Devil” or do I keep my soul intact. The Fixed Star Denebola is conjunct her Pluto in Virgo. Denebola represents disgrace if not held to a high standard. It represents the right thing to do or face the consequences.
This is a tough choice for her because this is her parents in her head saying things she will always remember. Her mother being from India and her father being Jamaican are both at cross-purposes to each other in language of what to do. In the end, the mother won and divorced the Father when she was seven. She went and lived with her mother. Our lives are like this, what do we do is always the question? Well, make your choice and live with it says Pluto. If Pluto is tied to Denebola, the question is “How Will You Live With Yourself”.