Do you know that Rahu is a perfect Charging Planet?
There are seven planets in astrology. They are the Sun Moon, Mars Mercury Venus Saturn is Jupiter.
Rahu-ketu light forms are called planets.
But both Rahu and Ketu are not planets.
Rahu Ketu The semicircle of lightning caused by the sun, moon, and earth is called Rahu Ketu.
It cannot be denied that the two planets Rahu and Ketu are responsible for one’s ups and downs.
To be clear, Rahu Ketu will not give any benefit directly.
Yes, Rahu should be considered as a strengthening planet in astrology.
That is
Rahu is a charging point and charging Planet.
The two houses on either side of the house occupied by Rahu are strengthened by Rahu.
Those house lords strengthened by Rahu give wonderful results
To be more specific
If Rahu posits Cancer, the five houses namely Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, and Taurus will gain great strength.
Like the four house lords, the Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Venus also gain great strength.
If these five houses and four planets come as yogas to the Ascendant of a person’s birth, they will get powerful yoga benefits from Rahu.
This means that these planets are charged by Rahu and give great benefits.
Now let us see a sample birth chart.
Amit Shah is the current Home Minister of India.
He was born in Virgo Lagna.
Sun Mercury in Libra
Ketu in Sagittarius
Saturn in Aquarius and Moon in Aries
Jupiter in Taurus and Rahu in Gemini
Mars in Cancer and Venus in Leo
Rahu who strengthens all the planets is placed in Gemini.
Let us see how Rahu strengthens the Planets.
The Houses are strengthened by Rahu are Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer and Leo
Planets placed in the light circle of Rahu in Gemini will gain more strength.
The houses strengthened by Rahu are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo. The lords of these houses will be positioned within the light rays of Rahu, and they will get extraordinary power.
Rahu strengthens the planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, and Sun, and they gain double strength if they are in Rahu’s light circle.
Now see that in Rahu’s half circle of light, the Moon is in Aries, Venus is in Leo, and Mars is in Cancer. Thus, the planets Moon, Mars, and Venus are very powerful.
To be clear, if yogas form in this system, they will easily reach the top.
Similarly, in his birth chart, Moon posits in Aries, and Mars posits in Cancer. Because of this exchange of houses he has received Sri Nandi Yoga, so he has got extreme Raja Yoga.
Now this extreme Raja Yoga gets multifold strength due to Rahu.
Similarly, because Venus is sitting in Leo and Sun, the lord of Leo is in Libra and has got Sri Nandi Yoga, it has got extreme Raja Yoga.
It is clear that he has two malefic Raja Yogas.
These two Raja Yogas gained extraordinary powers from Rahu. So the individual got the powerful post.
Know well that planets charged by Rahu will take one to great heights
Rahu is the only powerful Planet that charges all the Planets.
The good Planets who get powers from Rahu will have good results
The bad Planets who get powers from Rahu will have bad results
But Rahu himself does not have favorable or adverse results.
Rahu will only, the Planet that boosts all the Planets who are in the light circle from Rahu.
It is confirmed that Rahu is charging Planet.