Uranus Retrograde and Turns Direct January 31, 2025
Uranus Retrograde and Turns Direct January 31, 2025
Uranus Goes Direct and Conjuncts The Fixed Star Algol
Today, January 19, 2025, Uranus is Retrograde at 23°19 Taurus and getting ready to go Direct on January 31, 2025. It will travel thru April when it hits 25°0 and begins the conjunction with the Fixed Star Algol.
The Fixed Star Algol, also known as the Demon Star, is a fixed star located in the constellation Perseus. This conjunction will be either Positive or Negative depending upon your chart and your Evolution to respond to Fixed Stars energy. Planets Conjunct, Square or Opposition to 25° Taurus to 27° Taurus are in for a ride of your life coming up from April 5, 2025 thru June 1, 2025. If you did not learn the lesson of Financial Stability, guess what, you will now. Stop spending money on useless junk or if your business is based off of Multi-Media (The Fantasy World), you can suffer a financial loss of income such as the ban of Ticki Tok and it was your source of financial income. There will be investigations into the so-called businesses on Ticki Tok and other Multi-Media platforms due to connections to illegal activities.
If you are like a Scorpio “Control Freak”, I wish you the best because all hell is in store for you until you learn to let go and let the Universe guide you. The main energy will manifest in the Fixed Signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. This is due to this being the Grand Cross in Astrology. The Fixed Grand Cross is one of the “Power Engines” in Astrology. If you have any Planets at 25° to 27° in these signs, be aware of Control Issues. Respond in a Detached Way regarding your emotions and it will go smoother for you. Never attach emotions to money or security. Learn to Detach as Pluto in Aquarius is saying to the Fixed Signs. This is especially true for “Astrologers”, due to the position of Pluto in Aquarius. Emotions do not belong in a Reading or your will make big mistakes for your client. Detach, Detach and Detach is the Mantra for Astrologers. Algol’s lesson to you is no matter what happens in your life, you will rise to the challenge again and again.
On a National level, we can expect major changes in the Banking Industry such as setting a possible limit on Interest Rates. Digital Currency is a long way off due to the amount of individuals still using cash as the main source of money. Lot of talk about Digital Currency but people do not like the idea of being controlled or banks having ability to freeze your assets. With cash, they can’t freeze your assets, only part of them. The banks do not like it but, they will have to suffer till the Universe wants it to happen. Bitcoin could suffer a serious blow to its trading due to its lack of stability. Gamblers Anonymous is looking for new members from Bitcoin. Taurus wants stability and Uranus is going to give it as the final crossover of Uranus over Algol.
The sad event in Los Angeles will be even a sadder event when people find out that the Insurance Companies cannot come up with the money due to improper management of the State of California. DEI has done a wonderful job of really showing Americans how toxic DEI really is regarding incompetence and people not really qualified to do the job. Most people will not be able to rebuild because the County will finally realize that houses made of wood burn easily and will change the Building Code to require Earthquake and Fire Hardened Houses. Most of the houses will be required update to 2025 Building Code that older houses do not have before Building Permits will be issues. The banks will suffer a severe financial losses due to people not being able to pay the mortgages and a high level of foreclosures will result.
I hear people saying, you will evolve to a new state of consciousness, my reply is BS to that type of thinking. Taurus is stability and a conservative sign, that is what the new consciousness will be. What is it called “Old School” thinking is the “New Wave” on consciousness. Algol is act of learning to let go of what people think of you and how you think of yourself or self image. This is what happens to us poor humans. If you are a Yogi, maybe you will able to ascend into the sky. Yea, OK, after the airplane is hit by a bunch of birds and the plane crashes with the Yogi in it does the Yogi realize they are just like us humans. This is not critical to Buddhists, it is just reality of Algol.
Algol is the Head of Medusa that was cut off by Perseus, in modern day terms, it means that we will start valuing things such as bravery, honor and the pursuit of real knowledge. This will be part of our new identity as a country. A new sense of identity will emerge from the ashes of the past failures of the last 20 years of history. Middle of the road politics will be normal again. Extremists beware, Algol is looking to cut your head off by the action Perseus.
Tragedy comes to everyone on the Planet, it is how you respond is the key to Algol and find a new purpose in life.