A Long Tamago’ Now Launching April 30th, Will Feature Multiple Color Palette Options – TouchArcade

In May of last year we first brought word of an upcoming virtual pet game called Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago from developer 14 Hours Productions, and then this past January we let you know that the game would be launching on March 19th. And today is… March 21st, but there is NO Yolk Heroes in sight. What gives? Well, it turns out the studio has bumped the release date of both the PC and mobile versions back just a wee bit in order to add some extra spice to Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago. What kind of spice? Well, how about… SEVERAL onscreen colors! Yes Yolk Heroes is going for an original Game Boy game vibe with its monochrome palette and pixely visuals, but as you can see in this latest trailer it’s also sporting multiple color palette options for that true “OG Game Boy game running on a Game Boy Color” hit of nostalgia.

Color options are great and all, but this slight release date delay is also allowing for full Chinese and Japanese localizations courtesy of Astrolabe Games, and more people in more places being able to enjoy a video game is always worth the extra wait. If you haven’t been following along with Yolk Heroes, it tries to mimic the experience of raising a virtual pet a la the Tamagotchis that were all the rage back in the ’90s or so, but once you’ve raised your little virtual pet, or in this case an actual elf child, you’ll then send your offspring out into the world to do RPG things, like battling and finding treasures and whatnot. And yes, your beloved can and probably will die during the course of their adventures, in which case you’ll need to hatch another elf baby out of an egg and start the process over again. Circle of life and all that. Man! I’m so excited for this one! April 30th can’t come soon enough.

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