Meta, Snap and TikTok Agree to New Election Integrity Guidelines

With the U.S. Election fast approaching, Meta, Snap and TikTok have joined several other technology companies in signing on to the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) new Voluntary Election Integrity Guidelines, which outline agreed expectations and processes for companies working to “advance election integrity and increase trust in the information ecosystem”.

The agreement will see the platforms working towards a set of established principles by enacting election security and integrity measures, which will provide enhanced transparency across different regions. Google and Microsoft have also signed up to the new accord.

As outlined by IFES:

The guidelines will help establish a framework for meaningful engagement and support between election authorities and technology companies. They will establish clear policies and processes to share information around elections and ensure voters, especially those in newer, vulnerable democracies, have access to high-quality information. They will also improve communications channels between technology companies and election authorities, bolstering institutions while reducing barriers to supporting election integrity for smaller and newer companies who aim to be responsible actors around elections.

With each region having different rules around information sharing and political process, it’s difficult for tech platforms to come up with universal parameters to ensure protection across all nations. This new agreement aims to improve the shared approach to voter protection, while also facilitating knowledge sharing and cooperation on such between the major providers.

As per Meta:

“We believe these guidelines build on the work we’ve been doing and provide shared practices that will benefit both Meta and our peers during a year when so many elections are taking place around the world.”

The new guidelines were announced at the third annual Summit for Democracy which is being held in Seoul this week.  The use of technology has been a key focus of the conference, with world leaders sharing their approaches to various new elements of concern impacting the broader information ecosystem.

It’s another step for broader election integrity measures, with Meta also announcing various measures in preparation for what’s expected to be a tumultuous U.S. Presidential race.

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